Home Essay from Examiners Discuss Essay in 15 Sentences

Discuss Essay in 15 Sentences

Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as the resources are limited, while others think we can use as much water as we want. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Understanding how to attempt the discuss essay

In discuss essays, three things are asked to students.
The first and second are discussing the two sides. The third is your opinion.
Thus, we divide this essay into three body paragraphs.
First Body Paragraph – First side. Strict control on the supply of water
Second Body Paragraph – Second side. No control on water usage.
Third Body Paragraph – Your opinion.

In case of our opinion, we have three options:
1) We can agree with the first point of view. In other words – We believe in strict control of water
2) We can agree with the second point of view. In other words – We are against any control on the water.
3) We can have a different viewpoint altogether. For example – We believe there should be a control on the water supply, but not a strict control.
(This is just one example; your opinion can be something else too)

Writing the introduction – 2 Sentences

Step 1: The first sentence in the introduction is paraphrasing the question statement.

Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as the resources are limited, while others think we can use as much water as we want. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is believed by some that there should be strict regulations on the use of fresh water, while others hold the opinion that individuals should have complete freedom on water use. (Sentence 1)

Step 2: The second sentence in the introduction is our opinion. There are 2 approaches: Approach A and Approach B
Approach A: Agree with one of the views. Before writing this, write the points for the two sides.

Side 1 – Why strict control?
Reason 1: Fresh water is scarce
Already many countries facing water shortage. It is the only way to ensure that there is enough water for future generations.
Reason 2: It would control the waste of water.
People would use it more wisely.
Reason 3: Water is a basic necessity
Government’s duty to provide fresh water to everyone. Only possible if the government regulates its use.

Side 2 – Why no control?
Reason 1: Strict regulation has negative consequences.
Corruption – Rich people might bribe water officials. Illegal water connections
Reason 2: People might procure water from unregulated/contaminated sources

So, as my points are more for the first side, I will agree with the first side.

Step 3 (based on Approach A): Write the second sentence based on your opinion.

If you can paraphrase – paraphrase the first side.
I strongly support a strictly controlled water supply as it is the need of the hour.
If you can’t paraphrase, you can write
In this essay I will discuss both the perspectives, but I agree with the former side. (Latter for side 2)

Full Introduction:
It is believed by some that there should be strict regulations on the use of fresh water, while others hold the opinion that individuals should have complete freedom on water use. I strongly support a strictly controlled water supply as it is the need of the hour. (Sentence 1 and 2)
It is believed by some that there should be strict regulations on the use of fresh water, while others hold the opinion that individuals should have complete freedom on water use. In this essay I will discuss both the perspectives, but I agree with the former side. (Sentence 1 and 2)

Step 3 (based on Approach B): If you don’t completely agree with the first or the second side, you have to think for points for a different opinion.
Approach B: Different Opinion – for example, no strict control, but some level of control.

Reason 1: Strict control is practically impossible.
Reason 2: Some level of control would be beneficial.
Create awareness about the importance of the situation.
Encourage people to take initiatives to store or harvest rainwater.
Be more judicious in the usage of water.

Write the second sentence based on your opinion.
I don’t believe tight regulation is practical or possible, but there should be some level of control on water supply and use.

Full introduction:
It is believed by some that there should be strict regulations on the use of fresh water, while others hold the opinion that individuals should have complete freedom on water use. I don’t believe tight regulation is practical or possible, but there should be some level of control on water supply and use. (Sentence 1 and 2)

Writing the Body Paragraphs

Body Paragraph 1 (Sentences 3 to 6):

In any approach A or B – The first body paragraph is the first side.
Step 1: Write – why some people support first side. (Don’t use I – You have to clarify this is not your opinion, but the first side) (Sentence 3)
Step 2: Give 2 Reasons and explain. (Sentence 4,5,6)

There are two main reasons why some people believe that government should strictly control the usage of water. (Sentence 3) The main reason is that fresh water is scarce and already many countries are facing a severe water shortage. Controlling supply of fresh water is the only way to ensure that there is adequate water for everyone and there is water left for our future generations. Another result of controlling fresh water supply would be that it would coerce people to use it more wisely and reduce its wastage. (Sentence 4,5,6)

Body Paragraph 2 (Sentences 7 – 10):

In any approach A or B – The second body paragraph is the second side.
Step 1: Write – why some people support the second side. (Don’t use I – You have to clarify this is not your opinion, but the second side) (Sentence 7)
Step 2: Give 2 reasons and explain. (Sentence 8,9,10)

On the other hand, those who believe that there should be no restrictions on water, give the following reasons. (Sentence7) Firstly, they believe that rather than benefitting everyone, strict control would have negative consequences. For example, the rich might try to bribe officials to get illegal water connections installed. Secondly, people might be forced to procure water from unregulated contaminated sources, which may lead to diseases and other problems. (Sentence 8,9,10)

Body Paragraph 3 (Sentences 11 – 14):

Write the paragraph with your opinion.
Approach A – It would be first view
Approach B – It would be the different viewpoint

Step1: Write your viewpoint. (Sentence 11)
Step 2: Give reasons (Sentence 12, 13, 14) depending upon approach.
Write ‘I’ or ‘In my opinion’ to show that it’s your opinion

Approach A
I am strongly in favour of government controlling and regulating water supply as water is a basic necessity. Human beings cannot survive without water and water is also one of the most important resources in agriculture and industries. Therefore, it is the government’s responsibility to provide fresh water to everyone. This in turn can be ensured if the government keeps tight control on water usage. (Sentence 11,12,13,14)

Approach B
I believe that there should be some level of government control on water use, but I also recognize that keeping tight control on the water is impossible as it is present everywhere. Some level of control would definitely be beneficial as it would create more awareness about the severity of increasing water scarcity. It might also encourage people to take positive initiatives to save water. For example, rationing of water in some Indian cities has led to people installing rainwater harvesting systems at home. (Sentence 11,12,13,14)


Conclusion is nothing but a repetition of your opinion
Step 1: Write your opinion again.
Approach A: In conclusion, I believe that a strong level of control on water supply is no more an option but a necessity. (Sentence 15)
Approach B: In conclusion, I believe that although there should government control on water supply, water cannot be tightly regulated. (Sentence 15)

The whole essay – Approach A

It is believed by some that there should be strict regulations on the use of fresh water, while others hold the opinion that individuals should have complete freedom on water use. I strongly support a strictly controlled water supply as it is the need of the hour.

There are two main reasons why some people believe that government should strictly control the usage of water. The main reason is that fresh water is scarce and already many countries are facing a severe water shortage. Controlling supply of fresh water is the only way to ensure that there is adequate water for everyone and there is water left for our future generations. Another result of controlling fresh water supply would be that it would coerce people to use it more wisely and reduce its wastage.

On the other hand, those who believe that there should be no restrictions on water, give the following reasons. Firstly, they believe that rather than benefitting everyone, strict control would have negative consequences. For example, the rich might try to bribe officials to get illegal water connections installed. Secondly, people might be forced to procure water from unregulated contaminated sources, which may lead to diseases and other problems.

I am strongly in favour of government controlling and regulating water supply as water is a basic necessity. Human beings cannot survive without water and water is also of the most important resources in agriculture and industries as well. Therefore, it is the government’s responsibility to provide fresh water to everyone. This in turn can be ensured if the government keeps tight control on water usage.

In conclusion, I believe that a strong level of control on water supply is no more an option but a necessity.

(288 words)

The whole essay – Approach B

It is believed by some that there should be strict regulations on the use of fresh water, while others hold the opinion that individuals should have complete freedom on water use. I don’t believe tight regulation is practical or possible, but there should be some level of control on water supply and use.

There are two main reasons why some people believe that government should strictly control the usage of water. The main reason is that fresh water is scarce and already many countries are facing a severe water shortage. Controlling supply of fresh water is the only way to ensure that there is adequate water for everyone and there is water left for our future generations. Another result of controlling fresh water supply would be that it would coerce people to use it more wisely and reduce its wastage.

On the other hand, those who believe that there should be no restrictions on water, give the following reasons. Firstly, they believe that rather than benefitting everyone, strict control would have negative consequences. For example, the rich might try to bribe officials to get illegal water connections installed. Secondly, people might be forced to procure water from unregulated contaminated sources, which may lead to diseases and other problems.

I believe that there should some level of government control on water use, but I also recognize that keeping tight control on the water is impossible as it is present everywhere. Some level of control would definitely be beneficial as it would create more awareness about the severity of increasing water scarcity. It might also encourage people to take positive initiatives to save water. For example, rationing of water in some Indian cities has led to people installing rainwater harvesting systems at home.

In conclusion, I believe that a strong level of control on water supply is no more an option but a necessity.

(313 Words)

From : makkarielts

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