Home IELTS Speaking Speaking Part 3 IELTS Speaking Part 3: Media & News

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Media & News

Topic : Media & News

1. How do most people get their news in your country?
2. How do you think people will get their news in the future?
3. Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers?
4. How has TV changed people’s lives?
5. What do you think of children watching TV?
6. How has social media changed the way we get and share the news?


1: How do most people get their news in your country?
Answer: Thank you very much for this question. Most adults in my country rely on newspapers and television channels for news. However, a good number of office-goers also visit online news portals to find out the news updates and recent events. Young people heavily rely on online newspapers and their preferred social networking platform to get such news.

2: How do you think people will get their news in the future?
Answer: I think technology will change the way we will get and share news in the future. Most people will rely on their handheld devices, that are connected to the Internet, as the primary source of news and information. Traditional newspapers and news channels, on the other hand, will become less popular in the future because of the time lag between when something happens and when readers get the chance to read or view them. Since mobile devices can offer instant updates, they will be a powerful way of getting news updates. Listening to the preferred type of news by using small devices attached to our ears would become more popular and the type of news we would like to listen to shall be determined by our activities and interests.

3: Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers?
Answer: No, I do not believe everything newspapers publish for the public. That’s why I read newspapers that are mainstream and have strong authority and authenticity. Thus I avoid reading most of the fabricated and fake news which are usually published in less authoritative and unreliable newspapers. I am also wary of politically biased and sourceless news articles that my friends or their friends share on Facebook and Twitter.

Sometimes the process of gathering news is done hastily and irresponsibly, which results in unreliable information even in the mainstream newspapers. In such cases, I try to verify the news from other reliable sources. In fact, the forged and made-up news is all around us and without being watchful and experienced, we can’t recognise lies hidden in plain sight.

4: How has TV changed people’s lives?
Answer: If I am asked what is the single most influential invention that has changed people’s lifestyle, my answer would be ‘the television’. Television is a mandatory home appliance in all households in my country. It is a source of education, information, and entertainment for many. People watch TV to get news, weather updates, learn about foreign cultures, relax and even plan their next day based on information gained from the TV. They watch TV in the morning, evening and even before going to bed. TV programmes entertain them, keep them together in the drawing-room and eliminate many elder’s loneliness. TV stars have shaped fashion, TV advertisements have changed people’s purchasing habits and quiz shows have made many young become more inquisitive. Personally, I believe that television helps to bring families and communities together.

However, this device has its dark side as well. State TV channels are often the tool for political propaganda, and people who watch TV too much often suffer from dangerous diseases like diabetes and obesity.

5: What do you think of children watching TV?
Answer: I think if children watch educative, entertaining and creative TV programmes then they can learn from it. However, their parents should monitor what their children watch on TV and for how long. Watching TV is beneficial for children in some ways as it helps them relax and become inquisitive. On top of that, some TV programs provide useful academic knowledge to children. But, if children watch TV all day long, it can harm them both physically and psychologically. Such children lose their interests in outdoor activities and become addicted to TV and video games.

6: How has social media changed the way we get and share the news?
Answer: Social media is an excellent tool that connects people and let us share updates, news and information with the people we care. It has made it possible not only to read the news but also to raise our voice and concern. Thus it has made a common platform for ordinary citizens to express themselves and their opinions about the world. Getting and sharing interesting news is easier than ever before.

However, people’s tendency to share news without verifying authenticity has also made it chaotic. For instance, half of the news found on such social media is either fake or fabricated.


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