Home IELTS Speaking Speaking Part 3 IELTS Speaking Part 3: Wasting Time

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Wasting Time

Topic : Wasting Time

  1. How can we avoid wasting time?

We can avoid wasting time by planning things to do in advance. Having a pre set schedule can be helpful in utilizing time efficiently and make use of each moment.

  1. Is time management important?

Yes, time management is extremely important nowadays. People wish to utilize time to the fullest in this era of cut-throat competition. Good time management enables us to work smarter – not harder – so that we get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high.

  1. Should parents help children manage time?

Yes, parents should help children to manage time by making a timetable for them and by ensuring that they follow it. Also, children can learn easily from stories or movies, which teach them a lesson about the importance of time and managing it well. The parents are role models for children and they should set a good example for their children.

  1. Do you think relaxing is a waste of time?

No, I do not think so because relaxing is very important to keep up the energy levels to do tasks during the day. It helps people to recharge their batteries for doing things. However, relaxing unnecessarily and sitting idle for the whole time is definitely a waste of time.

  1. Do you think time is very important?

Of course! Time is gold. It’s even more important than money. You can use money to buy almost everything in this world but not time. Time is something that you can not bring back. That’s why people always learn how to improve their time management skills so that they can take good advantage of their time to do meaningful things.

  1. When does time seem to move fast and when does it seem to move slowly?

Basically, time flies when we don’t have enough time to do something, especially when it is an important thing like completing an assignment, preparing for a test or making a project plan. Otherwise, when we have to wait for something or someone, like your IELTS test result or the occasion when our beloved one is returning after years staying abroad, we feel that time goes by so slowly.

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