Home IELTS Writing Writing Task 1 IELTS Writing Task 1 – 2019 (Mixed chart + Bar chart)

IELTS Writing Task 1 – 2019 (Mixed chart + Bar chart)

1. The charts below show the performance of a bus company in terms of punctuality, both actual and target (what actually happened compared to what the company was trying to achieve), and the number of complaints and passengers.

Sample :

The first chart shows the actual and target percentage of buses, from a particular bus company, that arrived at the destination on time, between 1999 and 2003. Meanwhile, the second chart shows how many complaints were made during the same period.

It is clear that while the expected target of buses arriving on time decreased over the years, there was no clear pattern in the percentage of buses that actually arrived on time. Additionally, the number of complaints from their passengers increased throughout the period.

In 1999, the company’s target of buses arriving on time stood at 86%, which was 1% higher than what was actually achieved. Although the target remained unchanged one year later, the percentage of on-time arrivals dropped by nearly 3%. By 2003, this company had reduced its target of on-time arrivals to just over 84%, while the actual figure had witnessed considerable growth to about 85%.

Starting at approximately 7% of total passengers in 1999, the number of complaints made by passengers rose significantly before experiencing a slight decline to just over 8% in 2001. This figure then grew considerably two years later, with about 12% of passengers complaining in the last year.

198 words.

2. The chart gives information about the percentage of overweight men and women in Australia from 1980 to 2010.



The bar chart illustrates the rate of overweight adults in Australia, at the start of each decade, beginning in 1980.

Overall, it is clear that the percentage of overweight males was significantly higher than females in each year. Additionally, the rate of both men and women who were overweight rose over the research period.

In 1980, just under 50% of Australian men were overweight, compared to only about one-third of females, which were the lowest figures for each gender during the research period. Over the next 20 years, the rates of overweight male and female citizens in Australia both saw significant increases, with the figure for men reaching a peak of almost 70% in 2000.

From 2000 to 2010, slightly fewer men were overweight, as illustrated by a decline of roughly 3% in 2010, whereas the figure for women remained unchanged, with exactly half of Australian women being overweight in the final year.

153 words

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