Home IELTS Writing Writing Task 2 IELTS Writing Task 2: Public Art

IELTS Writing Task 2: Public Art

IELTS Writing Task 2: Public Art

Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues in cities to make them better places to live in.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some feel governments should invest more in public art in cities to boost the quality of life. Personally, I am in disagreement with this idea because it has little actual importance for the average citizen.

On the one hand, public art beautifies a city. A city stripped of all art gives off the dreary appearance of being purely for utilitarian value and the daily rigour of work. In contrast, cities that have invested heavily in public art, such as New York City, offer their residents a beautiful and inspiring home. A child who sees sculptures and murals working home will feel the city is a nicer place to live and workers passing by works of art will have some emotional relief from the demands of the day. This not only builds up the character of urban areas for local inhabitants and instills a sense of pride, but also attracts tourists and professional artists to the city, both of which contribute to a vibrant city.

Nonetheless, public art has little quantifiable positive value. Most city-dwellers are too engrossed in their hectic schedules to notice public art. This art, therefore, means nothing to most locals, while also diverting an outsized share of a city’s budget. There are other more vital areas requiring development such as high-end infrastructure, well-rounded healthcare systems, and modern recreational facilities. Moreover, the public space used to house these works of art cannot be used for practical purposes including critical public facilities like restrooms, bus stops or parks. Those who rely on these other facilities will have more trouble finding them and their quality of life may be somewhat impacted by a preference for art.

Despite the aesthetic value of public art, government bodies should focus more on urban issues that truly matter to their constituents. There must be a degree of balance but it should always tip more towards pragmatic concerns.


  • invest put money into
  • boost increase
  • quality of life standard of living
  • I am in disagreement with don’t agree with
  • little actual importance not much real impact
  • average citizen normal person
  • beautifies makes beautiful
  • stripped of doesn’t have
  • dreary appearance boring look
  • purely for utilitarian value only for its use
  • daily rigour of work daily grind of a job
  • invested heavily giving a lot of money to
  • offer their residents give to citizens
  • inspiring elevating
  • murals large paintings
  • passing by walking past
  • emotional relief makes you feel better
  • demands of the day rigor of work, life
  • builds up the character creates a sense of identity
  • urban areas cities
  • local inhabitants people who live there
  • instills imparts
  • attracts makes come there
  • contribute to a vibrant city makes the city better
  • nonetheless regardless
  • little quantifiable positive value not much actual import
  • city-dwellers city residents
  • engrossed lost in
  • hectic schedules busy days
  • notice pay attention to
  • means nothing to has no value to
  • diverting sending in a different direction
  • outsized share of a city’s budget take up too much money
  • vital areas important parts
  • high-end infrastructure roads, plumbing, electricity, etc.
  • well-rounded healthcare systems hospitals
  • modern recreational facilities gyms
  • moreover furthermore
  • house verb of house
  • practical purposes concrete reasons
  • critical public facilities key places for all residents
  • rely on need
  • somewhat impacted kind of affected
  • preference for art prioritising art
  • aesthetic value value of how it looks
  • government bodies governments
  • urban issues problems related to cities
  • truly matter actually important
  • constituents people
  • degree of balance some equality
  • tip more towards lean towards, value more
  • pragmatic concerns real-world issues

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