Home IELTS Writing Writing Vocabulary Lesson 11: Mental & Physical Development – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 11: Mental & Physical Development – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 11: Mental & Physical Development

  1. adolescent – Characteristic of a teenager; not fully grown up
  2. concept – a principle or idea
  3. consequence – a result of a particular action or situation
  4. imagination – the ability to create pictures in your mind
  5. infancy – the time when someone is a baby or a very young child
  6. milestone – an important event in the development or history of something or in someone’s life
  7. peer – [usually plural] a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person.
  8. social skills – skills required for successful social interaction.
  9. toddler – a young child who has just learnt to walk
  10. cognitive – connected with mental processes of understanding
  11. clumsy – awkward in movement or manner
  12. fond – to like someone or something very much
  13. fullgrown – completely grown
  14. rebellious – somebody who breaks the rules
  15. acquire – to obtain or begin to have something
  16. imitate – to copy the speech or behaviour, etc. of someone or something
  17. look back (on) – to think about what happened in the past
  18. master – to learn or understand something completely
  19. reminisce – to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure
  20. throw a fit/tantrum – to experience and show a strong feeling of anger, especially suddenly
  21. visualise – to imagine or remember someone or something by forming a picture in your mind
  22. bear in mind – to remember someone or something
  23. broaden the mind – to increase a person’s knowledge, experience, or interests. widen.
  24. have something on your mind – to be worrying about something
  25. it slipped my mind – to forget something that you had to do
  26. keep an open mind – to wait until you know all the facts before forming an opinion or making a judgment
  27. my mind went blank – cannot remember anything
  28. make a choice – to select; to separate and take in preference.
  29. shoelace – a thin string or strip of leather used to fasten shoes
  30. mimic – copy, imitate
  31. overly – too; very
  32. unparalleled – having no equal; better or greater than any other
  33. spurt – to flow out suddenly
  34. infinity – time or space that has no end
  35. grasp – to understand something, especially something difficult
  36. overindulge – to allow yourself or someone else to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink
  37. displeased – annoyed or unhappy
  38. overdue – late; not done or happening when expected or when needed
  39. enquire – to ask for information
  40. unassisted – unsupported by other people
  41. momentarily – for a very short time
  42. tantrum – a sudden period of extreme anger
  43. spontaneous – happening naturally, without planning or encouragement
  44. obstacle – something that makes it difficult for you to achieve something

Some questions asked in previous IELTS Writing Paper that you would be able to write with the help of the vocabulary in this lesson:

  1. Tuition for healthy children usually has top priority in most countries. However, teaching students with disabilities or mental issues is more difficult and even more important to support and develop.
    Which viewpoint do you agree with?
    Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  1. In some countries, physical education is a compulsory subject for the leaving certificate. Some people suggest that this practice be abolished?
    Which view do you agree with?
    Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

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