Home IELTS Writing Writing Task 2 Writing Task 2: Good teamwork or good leadership makes a company successful

Writing Task 2: Good teamwork or good leadership makes a company successful

Some people think that good teamwork makes a company successful, others think that good leadership is the reason behind the success of a company.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

The question of what drives a company successful is intriguing to employees and employers alike. While some attribute it to good collaboration among the workers of an organization, others ascribe it to having an outstanding leader. To my mind, both factors have an equal say in the success of a company.

Good teamwork can contribute to a company in two major ways, one of which is better decision-making. Having built a cooperative team of colleagues of distinct backgrounds, a company can reach informed decisions, seeing as it has access to a range of unique perspectives and ideas of its staff. In this sense, companies making sound decisions are more likely to attain optimal results than those who are thwarted by lack of well-thought-out decisions. Having a collaborative mind also means a company operates more swiftly. This is because a sheer volume of work at the company can be delegated to a team of workers, who are sure to complete the task at hand sooner than a company lacking a sense of teamwork.

The role of a good leader in a successful enterprise is no less significant. A leader can lend meaning to a company with their clear vision. This vision serves as a guiding light to employees, who would lack goals and focus without the guidance of a visionary leader. Instances of companies which fell into decline for lacking vision abound. Hence, having a forward-looking leader at the helm is an essential component for the prosperity of any given organization. More than just setting clear goals, leaders ensure speedier decision-making. Having many people involved when making decisions invariably hampers the process of reaching a decision, so companies would rather have one individual take charge. This is important as in business the speed of decision-making can mean the difference between making a huge profit or suffering a great loss.

Having considered the main factors behind the success of a company, I am inclined to say that both good teamwork and a leader are indispensable in equal measure.

336 words,

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