1. Pick up : /pɪk ʌp/
Pick up: to collect, or to go and get, someone or something.
(Example): Do you like to travel alone or in a group?
Traveling is the best thing you can do in life, in my opinion. I would like to travel with a group of friends if I had the chance to do so since it is much more entertaining and fun. Together, we may learn new things, meet new people, sample new delicacies, and travel to new locations. I usually pick my friend up, and we together grab a car to the airport. I believe that It would be safe to go with other individuals because we can support and rely on one another.
2. Check in: /tʃek ɪn/
Pick up: to report your arrival, esp. at an airport or hotel, so that you can get the service you are paying for
(Example): Where do you often go traveling?
I love traveling to Vietnam on holiday. Actually, I have traveled there 3 times. The reason why I love this country is due to the clean and clear check-in procedure. As a visitor, I don’t have to arrive at different offices to receive entry to Vietnam. Also, I just need to check in one hour before my flight, which is more convenient in other countries forcing us to check in two hours before my flight.
3. Check out: /tʃek aʊt/
Check out: to pay your bill, return your room key, and leave a hotel
(Example): Why do you think tourism is so developed now?
Well, traveling is much simpler now… Visitors don’t have to spend a lot of money traveling because they may choose charter flights and discover a variety of youth hostels all around the world. Additionally, visitors don’t even need to check in or check out directly because the technology helps them to do it online.
4. See someone off : /siː ɒf/
See someone off: to go to the place that someone is leaving from in order to say goodbye to them
(Example): Would you say your country is a good place for travelers to visit?
Yes, without a doubt. Vietnam is a nation with a rich cultural heritage. Vietnamese people always welcomed visitors with hospitality. Particularly, Vietnamese people always see travelers off when they depart on protracted journeys via plane, train, and ship… Additionally, Vietnam’s open policy promotes interaction between locals and visitors.
5. Get away: /gɛt əˈweɪ/
Get away: to go somewhere to have a holiday, often because you need to rest
(Example): What are the benefits of traveling?
Travel can be advantageous to people in many ways. First off, it gives us a way to let go of our worry, anxiety, and despair. Second, people constantly encounter new environments and engaging encounters, which might widen their perspectives and experiences in general. These are the two reasons why I always go to other countries to get away from work and relax.
6. Take off: /teɪk ɒf/
Take off: to spend time away from your work
(Example): Which do you prefer, traveling by bus or by plane?
I am fond of taking off by plane since I get to see so much out the front window. And I usually take advantage of this chance to take some scenery pictures to store them in picture albums.
7. Stop over: /stɒp ˈəʊvə/
Stop over: to stay at a place for one night or a few nights on the way to somewhere else
(Example): What kind of places have you visited in your life?
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to travel to many places, both inside and outside of my home country. I have traveled a bit in the South of Vietnam and went to see parts of Da Nang, Hue, and Ho Chi Minh. I stopped over at each destination to learn about the culture and people there and came home in 4 weeks.
8. Look forward to doing something : /lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tuː/
Look forward to doing something: to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen
(Example): When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
Every time I go anywhere, the first thing I do is research the area’s background or history before taking notes on my experiences. I write about the things I did, enjoyed, etc. I simply make notes in my travel journal so that I can revisit those moments whenever I open and read them. I usually visit new places in the summer. This year, me and my family plan on visiting France, and I am looking forward to learning about this country.
9. Touch down : /tʌʧ daʊn/
Touch down: to land at an airport
(Example): In which seasons do you prefer to travel?
It must be autumn, I suppose. Little rain, sunny skies, and comfortable temperatures characterize this season. Since most places are at their best then, it’s actually the best season for airplanes to take off and touch down at the airport, which relieves the stress of flying for a mentally weak person like me.
10. Hold someone/something up : /həʊld ʌp/
Hold someone/something up: to delay someone or something
(Example): Do you like travelling?
I like traveling very much. You see, after a long period at work, I start to get itchy feet. I mean I just want to travel somewhere to relax. In some special events, I can even hold my work up to enjoy myself with a holiday.
11. Get off (something) : /gɛt ɒf/
Get off (something): to leave a train, bus, or aircraft
(Example): Do you think there are also negative impacts of tourism?
Yes, I believe tourism has a negative impact on our life. Overconsumption of natural resources due to tourism is a common problem in areas where there are already limited resources. Tourism significantly affects how local land is used, which can result in soil erosion, and the loss of natural habitats and put greater pressure on threatened and endangered species. Moreover, tourism increased pollution. To be specific, people usually lea food or drink waste when they get off the plane, train or bus. This problem has existed for a long time and has not been completely solved yet.
12. Look around : /lʊk əˈraʊnd/
Look around: to visit a local place and look at the things in it
(Example): What is the importance of traveling?
Traveling offers the chance to interact with various cultures, cuisines, and types of people. Looking around a new area enriches the wonderful experience of life. Travel also has a significant calming effect on the mind. Finally, a person’s knowledge base grows as he travels.