Home IELTS Vocabulary Academic 17: check, cheque, chip, circle, clear

Academic 17: check, cheque, chip, circle, clear

1. check

– Part Of Speech: verb
– Meaning: Examine (somsething) in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition, or to detect the presence of something.
– Example:
+ customs officers have the right to check all luggage
+ No formal risk assessment had ever been carried out on river walks by the teachers and they had not checked the weather conditions prior to the activity.
+ When completed, a random sample of returned questionnaires was checked to ensure accuracy of data entry.
+ A second native-speaker of each target language checked each translation for accuracy.
+ He added that estate agents had no responsibility for checking the condition properties are left in.
+ However a hydrologist would need to visit the island to check the volume and quality of water in the caves first.
+ It is a good idea to have your contractor or consultant check the health and quality of the trees when they arrive on site.
+ In this way the operator can check field conditions before irrigation.
+ A welcome hiatus in proceedings gives me a chance to check my emails.

2. cheque

– Part Of Speech: noun
– Meaning: An order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer’s account, written on a specially printed form.
– Example:
+ they presented him with a cheque for £4,000
+ fees are payable by cheque or postal order
+ Bear in mind that cheques and debit card payments will usually only require one signature.
+ We are also keen to emphasise that there should be no cash donations, only cheques, bank drafts or credit card payments.
+ Payment by the bidders will have to be in cash or bank guaranteed cheques.
+ Credit card cheques look almost exactly the same as ordinary bank account cheques.
+ Recently, my neighbour wrote me a cheque for her half of the cost of replacing our mutual boundary fence.
+ All too often, dividend cheques are just deposited into our bank accounts and spent.
+ The firm then sent their client a cheque for her award, less a deduction for their fees.
2018-09-23 18:25:57.798 26109-26109/ielts.vocabulary I/Word:

3. chip

– Part Of Speech: noun
– Meaning: A small piece of something removed in the course of chopping, cutting, or breaking a hard material such as wood or stone.
– Example:
+ granite chips
+ Nests are lined with bark chips or wood shavings or are a shallow cup made of roots, leaves and other plant fibers.
+ A Volkswagen Beetle left the road around 2.25 pm, thought to have skidded on newly laid stone chips.
+ I felt myself shiver and held onto myself in the dark as if I were a mere chip of wood or paper caught in a riptide.
+ The entire angel burst into flames, and stone chips began to flake away as Frost scrambled back for cover, gripping the small familiar in two hands.
+ He was a mountaintop-tree expert with a truck and a crew and machines that chopped up trees into chips.
+ She sent me out for chips and wood to start the fire.
+ To make wood-chip mulch, tow a chipper to the brush pile you left in the woods and blow the chips right into the trailer.
+ Plane with the grain of the wood whenever possible, to avoid catching and lifting chips of wood.

4. circle

– Part Of Speech: noun
– Meaning: A round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the centre)
– Example:
+ draw a circle with a compass
+ We will locate a marker on the circumference of a circle.
+ In the normal geometry of flat space, the diameter of a circle is its circumference divided by pi.
+ A fringe of short parallel lines ran around the edge, and then a pair of concentric circles nearer the centre.
+ Pi, the ratio between a circle’s diameter and circumference, has fascinated mathematicians for centuries.
+ We can picture all these dualities as points on the circumference of a circle.
+ the lamp spread a circle of light
+ they all sat round in a circle
+ If you haven’t immediately fallen asleep, you may see a circle of light.

5. clear

– Part Of Speech: adjective
– Meaning: Easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
– Example:
+ clear and precise directions
+ her handwriting was clear
+ am I making myself clear?
+ I hope I am making myself clear, because you bring up a good point with this, for me.
+ With the audio, all you can say is that it’s clear and you can understand what is being said.
+ The switchgear has a quality feel and is well laid out, whilst the dials are clear and easy to read.
+ The display is crisp and clear and is easy to read – just how it should be.
+ The audio is quite good for a mono track, with dialogue clear and easy to understand.
+ Instruments are clear and easy to read and the single CD sound system was excellent.


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