General Writing Task

General Writing Sample Task 1 #11

You have just returned home after living with a family in an English-speaking country for six months. You now realise that you left a small...

General Writing Sample Task 1 #10

You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport. Write a...

General Writing Sample Task 1 #9

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter...

General Writing Sample Task 1 #8

You travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost. You have still heard nothing from the airline company. Write to the airline and explain...

General Writing Sample Task 1 #7

You borrowed some books from your school or college library. Unfortunately you have to go away to visit a sick relative and cannot return...

General Writing Sample Task 1 #6

You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the hank stating that your account is $240...

General Writing Sample Task 1 #5

You have a friend who lives in a city abroad. You have decided that you would like to apply to do a course at...

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