
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with 

Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with 

“Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with” belongs to the topic group “Describe a person” which is a very popular topic in Part 2 IELTS Speaking.

 Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • How you knew him/her
  • What you usually do together
  • And explain why you like to spend time with him/her

Sample Answer

I’m going to talk about my sister who is the most energetic person I’ve ever known. She is working as an event planner at a famous company in Ho Chi Minh City. She also has a part-time job as a yoga instructor. She’s always full of beans and there is always a smile on her lips.

Every day, she gets up at 5 a.m and starts her day with 1 hour of yoga and meditation. She always has self-made healthy breakfast with fruit smoothies and veggies. Her job requires multitasking and creativity and she also has to travel from place to place during the day. After work, she goes to the yoga center where she works part-time and does not come home until 10 p.m. Even though she has a long day’s work, she’s never tired or shows that she loses her energy. Besides that, she’s always in a good mood. Even when she faces the biggest problems in her life, she still keeps a positive attitude. She’s always the life and soul of the party . Her energy and enthusiasm makes people happy and motivated when they are around her.

We usually go to the movie theaters on weekends and travel together once a month to relax and strengthen our bond. I’m grateful that I am her younger sister. She gives me a lot of inspiration to work harder and maintain a positive mindset. Whenever I have difficulties, she always encourages me not to give up and thanks to her kind words, I become a better version of myself every day.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

1. What kinds of people are easy to get along with?

I think extroverts are fun to be around. They are usually open, enjoy being with others, outgoing and so on. But introverts can also be good companions because they are good listeners.

2. How can leaders get along with their subordinates?

Well, it’s their responsibility to get along with and cooperate well with their subordinates. They must be considerate, slow to take offense and most importantly, value others’ opinions. If capable of all the things above, they are great leaders.

3. Do people have much time for themselves nowadays?

Some do, but not everyone is lucky enough. It is difficult to maintain a work-life balance in this day and age, especially during times like the Covid pandemic. For example, parents have to work online and take care of their stay-at-home children at the same time, which is both physically and mentally demanding. Many barely have time to rest, let alone pamper themselves.


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