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HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2-AudioDescribe a person who helps protect the environment

Describe a person who helps protect the environment

Describe a person who helps protect the environment

You should say :

  • Who this person is
  • How this person protects the environment
  • What difficulty this person has faced
  • And how you feel about this person.


Well, today I am going to tell you about my next-door neighbor, Mrs. Minh, who is a perfect example of an environmentally friendly person.
Mrs. Minh has been my neighbor for at least 4 years now. She is in her 50s and is actually a retired university lecturer. As a neighbor, Mrs. Minh is really kind and helpful as she never refuses to help me when I’m in need. From lending me some cooking spices, to taking care of my little sister when other family members are absent.

But what I find most impressive about her is how environmentally conscious she is, as she has been doing a lot of activities to help protect the environment. To be more specific, Mrs. Minh knows so much about the detrimental effects of plastic bags to our planet. She told me about how it would take these bags million of years to completely bio-degrade and how they can cause severe harm to sea animals. That’s why ever since she moved here, I have never seen her use them once; instead, everytime she needs to get the groceries, she brings her own cloth bag… you know, the type that you can bring home to wash and re-use the next day. Other than that, she also participated in a lot of voluntary work to clean up garbage or join hands in other campaigns involving raising awareness about global warming.

The effort she put into protecting the environment is really inspiring and admirable. In fact, now I am also replacing plastic bags with my cloth bags as often as I can. I always think that good actions give us strength and inspire good actions in others; so I know what she does will continue to make bigger changes.

Thank you for listening.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

1. Why should we protect the environment?

I think it is essential that we protect the environment since a polluted living environment can have direct effects on our livelihood. For example, air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer, among some other severe diseases;water pollution also destroys our health inside out. Therefore, keeping the environment clean and protected means keeping our lives safe and healthy. 

2. Who is responsible for the protection of the environment?

Since all of us share a home we call Earth, we should share an equal amount of responsibility in protecting the planet. It’s not any government’s duty, it’s a global problem that needs to be solved by all living human. I believe that only by working
together will we be able to make a change.

3. What is the most serious environmental issue now?

  • Air pollution (from vehicles’ emissions, especially in big cites)
  • Water pollution (industrial waste being flushed to the ocean and rivers)
  • Deforestation: Animal extinction/cause harm to animals; global warming.

As you can see, in big cites like Hanoi, air pollution is one of the most concerning problems. Most people have to wear a mask when they go out to avoid breathing in the polluted air, filled with dust and other toxic exhaust fumes coming out of vehicles. Other than that, I think water pollution is also a prime example. A lot of rivers and oceans are full of garbage, which definitely contributes to numerous health problems for humans and causes the deaths of many aquatic animals.


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