
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a quiet place where you would like to spend time

Describe a quiet place where you would like to spend time

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe a quiet place where you would like to spend time

You should say:

– Where is it?
– How do you know it?
– How often do you go there?
– What do you do there?
– And explain why you like the place?

Sample band 7.5

It is important to spend time in quiet places in the fast-paced life of today. There are a few quiet places around us that we can visit for a few relaxing moments of peace. I would like to talk about a park where I go quite often and I find great comfort in the silence the spot has to offer.

The park is not far from my home. It is only a 10-minute walk from my home. It is well-known for its peaceful ambiance. Being a nature lover, every day I visit this garden. The place is full of natural vegetation and exotic flowers, which fascinates me to spend some time in the lap of nature. I am delighted that I have a gorgeous park in my locality, and I also contribute to plant more trees there to maintain the beauty of this park.

People in my city are generally indolent. They don’t get up early, so the park is free from noise in the morning. Every morning I go for a morning walk in the garden and I remain energetic the whole day. I also do some physical activities and as I am having an ardent habit of writing, the area somehow enhances my creativity to the point where thoughts flow freely and clearly in my mind. I really like going to this location with my writing pad all alone, and writing whatever I feel like for hours on end.

In addition, the park contains some other amenities like clean and well-managed toilets, and the space for kids is also notable. A large number of trees are available in the park and anyone can take shelter under the tree shades with nice sitting arrangements. Therefore, I would recommend anyone from my area to have some quality and tranquil time in this park. There is a lot to explore and enjoy.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

  1. Why do you think the countryside is quieter than the city?
    It is because in the countryside, you can find yourself away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are no traffic jams, noise or mass pollution. Thus, life in the countryside is peaceful, calm and tranquil. Cities are overcrowded with people, vehicles and buildings whereas the countryside has a picturesque setting with greenery, farmlands, hills and forests. 
  2. What about places like cafes, parks or libraries? Are they quiet places?
    I am not sure about cafes and parks, but I think libraries are quiet because most people go there to get lost in the world of books, to form an imaginary world on the topic they are reading about and to shut out all the extra thoughts in the deep silence. 
  3. Are homes noisier than they were in the past?
    I believe so due to traffic, factories and construction sites. With the increase in the number of vehicles, traffic congestion in big cities has become more severe and the growl of engines is growing. Honking drivers only adds to the problem, while loud music from bars, restaurants and stores is also disruptive.
  4. Why do old people like quiet places compared to young people?
    Old people might go to quiet places to get peace of mind and escape from the hustle-bustle of city life, and some like to go to quiet places to enjoy their vacations in the lap of nature because they love greenery. 


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