
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a quiet place you like to go

Describe a quiet place you like to go

Description a quiet place you like to go” belongs to the theme group “Description a place (describing the location)” is an important problem and is often asked in an academic test like IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Describe a quiet place you like to go

You should say:

  • Where it is
  • How you knew about it
  • How often you go there
  • What you do there

And explain how you feel about the place

Sample Answer

Modern life is stressful, especially if you live in an overcrowded city like Saigon. So, to relieve the pressures and stress of life, I always escape to my secret hideaway on the weekend. And today, I’m going to tell you about that place, which is a café located on the outskirts of the city.

The café is situated in the middle of nowhere, so it’s really difficult to get there if you haven’t received directions beforehand. I first learned about this place thanks to a friend of mine who loves finding quiet places to go and relax. I was truly impressed the first time he took me there, and I knew right away that this café would be my all-time favourite place to go when I needed to rest.

The café is designed in a minimalist style, with soothing colours and relaxing background music, making you feel as comfortable as you would be at home. The facilities here are also top-notch, definitely satisfying all your needs. The high level of cleanliness is also worth mentioning. It’s nearly spotless; there’s hardly any dust to be seen. Thanks to the fact that the café is usually empty, you can truly immerse yourself in this extraordinary environment.

Everything makes it a perfect place to slow down and take a little retreat. That’s why whenever I need to recharge my batteries, this café is my go-to place.

Follow Question Part 3

1. Is it easy to find a quiet place in your country? Why?

I don’t know about other areas outside the city, but it is extremely difficult to find peace within this busy city. The only place that I could think of is my house, but this might not be the case for those who live with their extended family, you know, living with all generations of the family under the same roof. I’m sure there are quiet places outside of the city, however Vietnam is quite a densely populated country so it’s quite hard to escape from the sounds of construction and urban life, even in the countryside.

2. Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

Older adults can get tired very quickly if they are exposed to a noisy and hectic environment. This is because they are not as energetic as younger people. That’s also the reason why lots of elderly people usually choose to reside in the countryside so that they can have their own space and enjoy their life to the fullest.

3. Why are there more noises made at home now than in the past?

Probably because of all the modern appliances that we have nowadays. These devices could possibly be a source of noise. In the past, we didn’t have devices like air conditioners or washing machines. However, these devices seem to be basic necessities for most households these days, so the increase in noise probably comes from them I suppose.

4. Why do some people like some noise in the background when they are working or studying?

Well, I think it helps them to concentrate better. Ambient music, for example, can divert your attention to the things that you are focusing on. That’s the reason why lots of people nowadays, including myself, choose to work in coffee shops which play relaxing and instrumental music.

Another Sample: Describe a quiet place


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