Describe something that you are interested to learn or improve” belongs to the topic group “Work/ study” which is a topic often given in the Speaking Part 2 test.

You should say
- What it is?
- How you would learn it more?
- Where you can learn it more?
- And explain why you want to keep learning it.
Sample Answer
I’m always very interested in learning to play musical instruments. And there is one instrument that I have always wanted to master, and that is the guitar.
I have always dreamed of becoming a guitar player ever since I was a kid. This is because my parents are also into playing music, and played lots of acoustic songs in my house. I was fascinated by the sound and melody of guitars. However, I didn’t have the chance to learn to play the guitar until I was 20, when one of my friends, a guitarist, taught me to play.
It was not as easy as it first seemed. I mean, playing an instrument doesn’t require you to be very physically strong, right? But, you need skillful hands, being able to move very quickly and precisely. I found it quite difficult to constantly change the position of my fingers and I had to spend a lot of time practicing. Although I can play a number of songs at the moment, I still consider myself a novice guitar player. Surely, I will continue to practice until I can play it skillfully.
I think being able to play the guitar is one of the most wonderful things that I have ever learned. It helps you to relax, make friends, and it’s also a good way to impress the girls! I’m not going to brag but lots of girls have fallen for me because of my songs.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample
1. Do children learn much faster than adults?
Well, yes. Everything is possible during children’s formative years. Take languages as an example. Children can be bilingual or even multilingual at a very young age without having to spend hours learning vocabulary and grammar structures. I guess this is because the brain structures are different between children and adults, which helps them obtain knowledge better.
2. Why should we learn something we are interested in?
Because that’s how we stay the course. It’s very difficult to always stay motivated in something that you don’t have a passion for. Meanwhile, if you are learning something that you are interested in, you can think more clearly, understand more deeply, remember more accurately, and eventually, learn it more quickly.
3. What are the differences between hard work and smart work?
Hard work can be simply defined as putting strenuous hours into a job or task. Hard work is often a result of not being able to finish work on time. Smart work is a completely different story. I think it refers to finishing the work or task efficiently and effectively, to achieve the highest quality in the shortest amount of time.