1.What is your favorite color?
I would have to say it’s a tie (equal) between deep purple and golden yellow. Actually, these colors quite complement each other. I love how mysterious purple is, and yet how bright and versatile yellow is.
2. What is the color of your home?
Since I rent my apartment, I am not allowed to paint the walls, so they are plain white. However, I do have a lime green backsplash (the area behind the kitchen sink). To go along with this, I have a dark purplish-blue bedspread, gray sofa, dark blue bean bag chair, and yellow and teal lanterns hanging around.
3. Did you use bright color when you were a child?
Absolutely. I was so into it that I convinced my father to paint each wall in my bedroom a different color. So, I lived in a cube of lime green, light orange, bright yellow, and a medium pink color during my high school years. Looking back, it was quite distasteful (ugly, not fashionable)!
4. What color would you like to paint your bedroom?
If I could, I would paint my room a turquoise color. Considering the decorations and furniture I already have, I think this would be suitable. Moreover, I think turquoise is a cheerful color which could change the environment in my dark apartment.
5. Are there any colors you dislike?
Orange! Especially highlighter orange, like hunters wear. I find that orange doesn’t look good on anyone, especially not me, considering I’m a redhead. Whenever I wear orange, I feel like a pumpkin. Eek!
6. Is color very important to you when you are buying something?
Depending on what I’m buying. Color is critical when I’m buying clothes, accessories, furniture, or decorations. On the other hand, I don’t really mind what color if I’m buying non-fashionable items like school supplies, bathroom rugs, laundry hampers, etc.
7. Do you prefer light or dark color?
Definitely dark. In my later years I’ve become more into bold colors than bright. I like the mystery of dark colors and I think they look better as decorations. Moreover, I prefer darker colors for my own personal fashion sense. As I have a beer belly (a fat stomach from drinking beer), I think black helps camouflage (hide) that.