Topic: Work

1. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary when choosing a job?
Answer: When it comes to seeking satisfaction from work, the basic philosophy is pretty simple – get a job that you love and work your way up to earning a lot. But, unfortunately, life isn’t really that simple, especially, when options are rather limited and the choices vary greatly from person to person.
I would say that salary is more important to many than their job “satisfaction” from where they see the life as the more money they have, the better they will be able to take care of their “needs”. But to me, job satisfaction is far more important than the money I will earn from my job.
2. What skills do you think are needed to get a good job these days?
Answer: In the past, we could get good jobs if we have a good degree or certification and a good result. But, these days, things are a bit tricky when it comes to landing on a good job as just a good degree and good result are not enough. We need to have some “soft skills” also, such as great people and communication skills, planning and organizing skills, good team works, problem-solving skills and great time management skills. On top of that, we also need to be “connected” to a network of professionals in the same fields in which we are looking for jobs. Finally, knowledge and skills in technology, especially in computer and internet, are also important these days to get a good job.
3. Do you think women should be able to do all the same jobs that men do?
Answer 1: This is a difficult issue to deal with. However, I will be completely honest in my opinion. I don’t necessarily think that women should be able to do the same jobs that men do primarily because of their different job expectation, physical built and safety issues from a job.
Women shouldn’t be really doing works like operating drilling machine to make holes in the streets nor they should be working in military engineering core to build a bridge overnight. Women should also not be doing jobs that require them to do some “heavy lifting” or climbing up to an electric power plant. In fact, I would dare to say that women were not created to do everything that men can dot but rather, women were created to do everything that men are not able to do.
Answer 2: There is no doubt that women are just as much capable as men in doing many jobs, and perhaps sometimes better in some jobs, which are not really that physically demanding and does not pose threat to women. So I would say a female can do any job that a man can do. But I also believe that just because women are equally adept to do some jobs that men can do, they should not take up any jobs especially if the job environment is not safe for them.
4. How has technology changed the way we work?
Answer: Technology has changed the way we work by improving things at our workplaces so much so that it will be literally impossible to work without the help of technology these days. If we go to talk about communication at our workplaces, we will see how communication among the employees or management to subordinates or management to management has become fast, instantaneous, collaborative, and more unified because of technology.
Because of using computer system like project management software, our businesses and workplaces are way more organized than before as it helps in building, delegating, reviewing, and assessing a task much more efficiently and thus helping in keeping everything on track. Businesses, big and small alike, are now able to use science and math more than ever before, because of using technology, to determine what their customers want, when in the past, they did this mostly on a “hunch”. There are so many other examples like these.
5. What is the difference between white-collar and blue-collar jobs?
Answer: In an organization, there are hundreds of people who are distinguished by the colour of the dress they worn, and the colours of the uniform specify the “type” of jobs performed by the workers in that organization. Blue-collar jobs in an organization are the jobs which are taken care of by manual labourers who get an hourly or daily wage, based on the performance of their works. Blue-collar jobs do not require higher education. However, a worker should be skilled enough in a specialized field to perform the tasks in an efficient manner. The jobs may include manufacturing, mining, construction, repairs and maintenance, installation of machinery and so on.
On the other hands, the white-collar jobs, wherein the employee does clerical works in an office, without getting their clothes “dirty”, and draws a monthly salary at a fixed rate. White-collar workers usually have a higher degree or certification.
The difference between blue-collar and white-collar jobs is fading away with the passage of time due to the low pay scale of the white-collar jobs and high demand for skilled labourers.
6. What jobs do you think are most valuable to society?
Answer: In my opinion, this is a very “subjective” question because the answer pretty much depends on the individual needs and preference of a person. In a society, where an engineer or medical doctor is highly valued, it won’t exactly be able to understand and appreciate the value of a “trash collector”. Similarly, in a society, where agricultural works are highly valued, it won’t exactly very much for the profession of a “teacher”. However, if I must name jobs that are most valuable to society, then I would go for “farming” and “medical doctor” because both jobs save lives. Farmers save our lives by producing food so that we can eat while a medical doctor saves our lives by diagnosing the disease and prescribing medicines for us when our lives are in danger.