Speaking Part 3

Describe a person you are happy to know

CueCard Part 2 Describe a person you are happy to...

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Answer Test 4 (C.19)

In this post, we would like to put an...

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Answer Test 3 (C.19)

In this post, we would like to put an...

IELTS Speaking part 3: Topic HOME

A. CREATING A NICE HOME Why do some people buy lots of things for their home? I think home is not only a place to...

IELTS Speaking part 3: Children And Reading – Electronic Books

A. CHILDREN AND READING What are the most popular types of children’s books in your country?I guess it is fairy tales. I think this is...

IELTS Cambridge 15 – Speaking (Test 4)

1. Speaking Part 1 Topic: Jewellery 1. How often do you wear jewellery? Almost every day. I always have my earrings and a watch on and...

IELTS Cambridge 15 – Speaking (Test 3)

1. Speaking Part 1 Topic: Swimming Did you learn to swim when you were a child? Yes, I did. My father signed me up for swimming...

IELTS Cambridge 15 – Speaking (Test 2)

1. Speaking Part 1 Topic: Languages How many languages can you speak? ?Well, I can use 2 languages. I was born and brought up in Vietnam...

IELTS Cambridge 15 – Speaking (Test 1)

1. Speaking Part 1 Topic: Email What kinds of emails do you receive about your work or studies?Actually, I receive quite a lot of emails as...

Forecast Speaking April – August 2020 (Part 4)

50 topics part 1 is divided into 10 main groups4 topics PART 2 and PART 3 with 42 specific topics Check Part 1: Topic I ->...

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IELTS Cambridge 15 – Speaking (Test 1)

1. Speaking Part 1 Topic: Email What kinds of emails do...

Two-way discussion : Foods & Restaurant

Why do you think people go to restaurants...

Two-way discussion : Family

In what ways have families in your country...

Two-way discussion : Status & Ambition

What kinds of things give status to people...

IELTS Cambridge 15 – Speaking (Test 4)

1. Speaking Part 1 Topic: Jewellery 1. How often do you...

Two-way discussion : Friends

What do you think makes someone a good...

IELTS Speaking part 3: Topic HOME

A. CREATING A NICE HOME Why do some people...

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