
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2IELTS Writing Actual Test : Art & Technology

IELTS Writing Actual Test : Art & Technology

Topic: Art & Technology

In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

Band 8+ Model Essay

In this modern era of nonstop scientific and technological advancement, artists still command profound respect from people worldwide. There are a number of things about life that the arts can teach us that science and technology fail to do so.

Many forms of art, especially literature, can deliver messages about the appreciation of what we have in life as well as life itself. Hundreds of literary works choose to depict misery, misfortune, and sorrow that still exist in many places, and this sends the strongest message to those who do not appreciate their lives. “The Goldfinch”, for example, which narrates a resonant story about the miserable life the main character led after the unfortunate death of his mother does make each one of us wonder whether we have become heartless toward our own loved ones. And I doubt that there are any technologies in the world that could manage to convey such powerful messages.

Arts teach us to cherish the beauty of culture and are the fuel for our spiritual lives. This is extremely important in a world where science and technology seem to fade our belief in the gravity of culture in daily life. The connection between arts and culture is here to stay, and traditional music and ancient paintings can remind us of where we came from and who we are at present. That is to say, our cultural identity is preserved in various forms of art.

Although science and technology advance our understanding of all things and better our lives, arts can touch us to a much deeper extent, help us value what we have, and remind us of the significance of our culture.

(277 words)


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