
HomeIELTS WritingFull Writing ReviewIELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 02/06/2018

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 02/06/2018

Task 1:

The charts below show the percentage of electricity consumed by different sectors in Eastern Australia in 2007 and 2010.

  • Level: Medium
  • Type: Pie chart

1. Sample:

The pie charts illustrate electricity consumption by various fields in Eastern Australia in two year 2007 and 2010.

It is clear that the consumption of electricity from those sectors remained unchanged except for Aluminium, Manufacturing and Other metal fields over the period shown. Additionally, the figures for residential and commercial sectors were by far largest.

In 2007, residential areas consumed 28% of total electricity, while 23% of electricity was consumed for conmmercial purposes. There was 13% of electricity consumed by manufacturing and aluminium sector each, whereas the figures for other metals and mining were slightly lower, at 12% and 9% respectively. By contrast, electricity consumption from transport and agriculture made up only negligible figures.

In 2010, while the percentage of electricity consumed by other metals rose significantly by 6%, those of aluminum and manufacturing fields saw a slight fall to 11% and 9% respectively. Interesting, the proportions of electricity consumed by the other sectors were all as similar as initial figures.

(160 words)

2. Vocabulary

  • residential areas
  • commercial purposes
  • to make up something
  • negligible (adj)


Task 2:

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  • Level: Medium
  • Type: Opinion essays.
  • Topic: Tourism
  • Keyword: International tourism; t sion; understanding between people from different cultures.

1. Sample:

In today’s world, international tourism is generating enormous financial wealth and has become the primary source of income for numerous countries around the globe. Although many people think this industry is likely to cause tension, my conviction is that international tourism greatly facilitates understanding between people of different cultural background.

There are indeed several instances of international travel creating social conflicts. One recent incident happened when Logan Paul, a renowned Youtuber, visited Japan and made fun of Japanese traditions and lifestyles. Such mockery caused tremendous public outrage and prejudice against this young American. Another example is Chinese tourists’ inappropriate and selfish behavior during a buffet party in a Thai tourist destination a few years ago. Even though these examples did not speak for the rest of American and Chinese populations, they, as a matter of fact, increased tension between the countries involved.

That being said, in most cases, visiting a foreign country can help tourists understand more about local customs and lifestyles. While the modern media, such as TV or newspapers, give people some foreign culture exposure, overseas tourists tend to have more authentic and unique experiences that lead to more profound understanding. This is extremely important because embracing cultural differences is key to establishing and maintaining social relationships in this day and age.

In conclusion, international tourism allows overseas visitors to experience different cultures and therefore connects everyone through mutual understanding. In my opinion, we should not merely judge the industry based on a number of situations where conflicts arise from misconduct of only a group of individuals.

(259 words)

2. Vocabulary

  • Generating enormous financial wealth
  • The primary source of income
  • Facilitates understanding
  • People of different cultural background
  • Cause tremendous public outrage and prejudice against something
  • To increase tension between the countries involved
  • Give people some foreign culture exposure
  • Overseas tourists
  • To embrace cultural differences
  • Conflicts arise


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