Part 1: Talk about global warming

1. Do you care about global warming?
I believe one can’t apply the ostrich policy when it comes to environmental problems, especially that of global warming. While it is uncomfortable to hear news about, well, how humans are pushing the flora and fauna to the point of extinction, I think being updated on the matter helps you live a more sustainable and responsible life with the environment, so I read articles and watch documentaries on global warming quite often.
2. Is this phenomenon affecting your life in any way?
Well, global warming is causing extensive climate changes in Vietnam, with the summer lasting much longer compared to the past, which is irritating because I have never been a fan of the heat. Extreme weather conditions such as typhoons or heat waves are happening on a much more regular basis, too, so it does become a bit more dangerous to reside in my country.
3. How did you know about global warming?
There’s been a lot of media coverage on the matter these last few decades, as global warming is considered one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century. I think I stumbled upon the term quite early on, when I was just 6 or 7 years old since a book I was reading back then covered the topic.
Part 3: Talk about global warming
1. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle global warming?
Hmmm, I think there are definitely considerable efforts being devoted to help halt the speed in which the Earth is warming up. Different regulations that aim at curbing carbon dioxide emissions in multiple industries have been put into effect, and a multitude of organizations have been outlining many geoengineering proposals, which are alternative methods to slow global warming.
A lot of progress has been made, sure, but I do think if we want to avoid the grave consequences of global warming in the near future, the governments and businesses need to keep their pledges, as many projects contributing to global warming are still receiving investments.’
2. Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?
Certainly. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is that it will help them understand the importance of taking care of our planet.
As children grow up, they learn about the world around them and start to develop their own values and beliefs. If we can instill a love for nature and a desire to protect the environment in them from an early age, it will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Additionally, as they grow older and enter the workforce, they will be in a better position to make positive change happen in regards to environmental policy and practices.
3. What should we do to solve this problem?
Well, there can be numerous solutions that help mitigate this issue. On a global scale, governments and businesses should invest in technologies that can harness energy from alternative renewable sources, switching from burning fossil fuels, which tends to emit a huge amount of heat-trapping gases, to solar energy or biomasses.
On an individual level, people can make simple changes in their daily lives, such as driving less or planting more trees. These solutions, albeit small, can make a big difference if adopted by a large number of individuals.