
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2Writing Task 2: Academic Preferences

Writing Task 2: Academic Preferences

Recent writing task 2: exam 12/2023

Some people believe teenagers should focus on all subjects equally, whereas other people think that they should concentrate on only those subjects that they find interesting and they are best at.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words

Sample Answer

The debate over whether teenagers ought to allocate equal attention to all academic subjects or solely focus on those they find intriguing and excel in is a contentious one. This essay will explore both perspectives, ultimately endorsing the latter viewpoint, which emphasizes specialized focus based on individual interests and strengths.

Advocates of a balanced educational approach argue that an equal focus on all subjects is essential for the comprehensive development of young minds. This perspective emphasizes that a broad curriculum exposes students to a diverse array of knowledge, fostering well-rounded individuals. It cultivates a versatile skill set, enabling students to tackle various challenges and adapt to changing circumstances in the future. For instance, excelling in both humanities and sciences ensures that a student develops both analytical and creative thinking abilities. This approach also prevents premature specialization, allowing teenagers to discover and explore their interests thoroughly before making pivotal career decisions.

Conversely, many, including myself, believe that teenagers should prioritize subjects that captivate their interest and align with their innate abilities. Focusing on areas of strength and passion not only boosts academic performance due to heightened engagement and motivation but also fosters deeper learning and expertise. Specialization can lead to early professional development, providing students with a head start in their future careers. A student passionate about mathematics, for instance, would benefit more from intensifying their focus in this area, potentially leading to innovations or advanced studies in mathematical fields. This tailored approach respects individual differences in interests and aptitudes, promoting personal and academic fulfillment.

In conclusion, while evenly distributing academic efforts across all disciplines can create well-rounded individuals, concentrating on subjects that align with one’s interests and strengths offers profound benefits in deep learning and personal satisfaction. The latter approach, which I advocate, respects individual uniqueness and can lead to significant achievements and fulfillment in students’ chosen areas.

Word count: 308


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