
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2Writing Task 2: Topic Environment

Writing Task 2: Topic Environment

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals.

Others say that there are more important environmental problems.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer

Many people think that the loss of particular plants and animal species is the main environmental problem that humans are facing nowadays, while others believe that some other environmental issues are more alarming. I agree with the latter view and will analyse both views in the following essay.

On the one hand, the loss of animal and plant species is considered the main environmental problem because of its impact on our planet’s biodiversity. Around the world, trees are being cut down for industrial and agriculture purposes. As a result, there will not be enough trees to produce oxygen for humans and prevent soil erosion. Meanwhile, endangered animals are being poached to serve people’s needs, hence negatively affecting the whole ecosystem. For example, when sharks are killed for their fins, many types of aquatic species no longer have their natural predators to control their population. Consequently, the disappearance of predators disrupts the natural food chain and then leads to unbalanced underwater ecosystems.  

On the other hand, there are more urgent environmental issues than the loss of plant and animal species. Those problems, which include pollution and climate change, are the main factors that cause the loss of biodiversity and put the natural habitat on the brink of destruction. Water and soil pollution caused by industrial and agricultural activities are poisoning a large number of species of marine and land animals, which means that human health is also negatively affected as those animals are humans’ important food source. Moreover, changing weather patterns caused by climate change lead to more frequent occurrences of natural disasters such as droughts, floods and wildfires.

In conclusion, it is true that the loss of particular plants and animals should be paid great attention to, but other environmental issues should also be taken into consideration. I think we should put a great deal of effort into tackling all of those problems rather than only focusing on the animals and plants’ extinction.

311 words


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