
HomeIELTS ListeningC.A.M ListeningC.A.M IELTS 19 Listening: Test 2

C.A.M IELTS 19 Listening: Test 2


Questions 1–6

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Questions 7–10

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


Questions 11–15

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

Working as a lifeboat volunteer

11   What made David leave London and move to Northsea?

A   He was eager to develop a hobby.

B   He wanted to work shorter hours.

C   He found his job in website design unsatisfying.

12   The Lifeboat Institution in Northsea was built with money provided by

A   a local organisation.

B   a local resident.

C   the local council.

13   In his health assessment, the doctor was concerned about the fact that David

A   might be colour blind.

B   was rather short-sighted.

C   had undergone eye surgery.

14   After arriving at the lifeboat station, they aim to launch the boat within

A   five minutes.

B   six to eight minutes.

C   eight and a half minutes.

15   As a ‘helmsman’, David has the responsibility of deciding

A   who will be the members of his crew.

B   what equipment it will be necessary to take.

C   if the lifeboat should be launched.

16   As well as going out on the lifeboat, David

A   gives talks on safety at sea.

B   helps with fundraising.

C   recruits new volunteers.

Questions 17 and 18

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Which TWO things does David say about the lifeboat volunteer training?

  The residential course developed his leadership skills.

  The training in use of ropes and knots was quite brief.

  The training exercises have built up his mental strength.

  The casualty care activities were particularly challenging for him.

  The wave tank activities provided practice in survival techniques.

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Which TWO things does David find most motivating about the work he does?

  working as part of a team

  experiences when working in winter

  being thanked by those he has helped

  the fact that it keeps him fit

  the chance to develop new equipment


Questions 21–24

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

21   At first, Don thought the topic of recycling footwear might be too

A   limited in scope.

B   hard to research.

C   boring for listeners.

22   When discussing trainers, Bella and Don disagree about

A   how popular they are among young people.

B   how suitable they are for school.

C   how quickly they wear out.

23   Bella says that she sometimes recycles shoes because

A   they no longer fit.

B   she no longer likes them.

C   they are no longer in fashion.

24   What did the article say that confused Don?

A   Public consumption of footwear has risen.

B   Less footwear is recycled now than in the past.

C   People dispose of more footwear than they used to.

Questions 25–28

What  reasons did the recycling manager give for rejecting footwear, according to the students?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–F, next to Questions 25–28.


  one shoe was missing

  the colour of one shoe had faded

  one shoe had a hole in it

  the shoes were brand new

  the shoes were too dirty

  the stitching on the shoes was broken


25   the high-heeled shoes   …………

26   the ankle boots   …………

27   the baby shoes   …………

28   the trainers   …………

Questions 29–30

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

29   Why did the project to make ‘new’ shoes out of old shoes fail?

A   People believed the ‘new’ pairs of shoes were unhygienic.

B   There were not enough good parts to use in the old shoes.

C   The shoes in the ‘new’ pairs were not completely alike.

30   Bella and Don agree that they can present their topic

A   from a new angle.

B   with relevant images.

C   in a straightforward way.


Questions 31–40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


●   more than 1,000 species, 0.05–1.2 millimetres long

●   also known as water ‘bears’ (due to how they 31…………………) and ‘moss piglets’

Physical appearance

●   a 32………………… round body and four pairs of legs

●   claws or 33………………… for gripping

●   absence of respiratory organs

●   body filled with a liquid that carries both 34………………… and blood

●   mouth shaped like a 35………………… with teeth called stylets


●   often found at the bottom of a lake or on plants

●   very resilient and can exist in very low or high 36…………………


●   In dry conditions, they roll into a ball called a ‘tun’.

●   They stay alive with a much lower metabolism than usual.

●   A type of 37………………… ensures their DNA is not damaged.

●   Research is underway to find out how many days they can stay alive in 38………………… .


●   consume liquids, e.g., those found in moss or 39…………………

●   may eat other tardigrades

Conservation status

●   They are not considered to be 40…………………

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4
1   Mathieson
2   beginners
3   college
4   New
5   11 / eleven (am)
6   instrument
7   ear
8   clapping
9   recording
10   alone
11   A
12   B
13   A
14   B
15   C
16   A
17&18   C, E
19&20   A, B
21   A
22   B
23   B
24   B
25   E
26   B
27   A
28   C
29   C
30   A
31   move
32   short
33   discs
34   oxygen
35   tube
36   temperatures
37   protein
38   space
39   seaweed
40   endangered


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