
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Cue Card 2020 #32: Describe a school you went to in your...

Cue Card 2020 #32: Describe a school you went to in your childhood

You should say:

  • Where it was
  • What it was like
  • What you learned there
  • And how you felt about it

Model Answer:

  • I studied in one school from LKG to class 10.
  • The name of the school is St. Joseph’s Convent School.
  • It is on the main Road in Phagwara.
  • It is a beautiful school.
  • I have very fond memories of the time I spent there.
  • It has many rooms.
  • There is a separate wing for the primary classes.
  • It has a library, a computer lab, science labs, a canteen, two big playgrounds and a beautiful lawn full of flowering plants.
  • This school is affiliated to the ICSE Board.
  • Apart from getting academic education, we had a lot of extracurricular activities.
  • I was part of dance club.
  • Every year we had an annual function. Two months before that we used to start preparing some dance items.
  • We used to do that in the zero period.
  • We also played badminton and cricket in the after school hours.
  • Our school principal was very strict.
  • We were given punishment if we were not in proper uniform or when we didn’t do our homework.
  • I remember, once I got the punishment for not bringing my homework notebook.
  • I was very ashamed of myself. Now when I think back, I feel those were the best days of my life.
  • I have many friends of my school time, with whom I am still in touch.

Part 3 – Follow up Questions

  1. What’s the difference between the present and the past teachers?
    In the past, teaching was a noble profession and teachers were respected a lot. Today, teachers have lost that status. This is mainly because teaching has become a business and the student is the customer. Another reason why teachers are not that respected is that today, we have many other sources of knowledge apart from the teachers.
  2. What is the difference between being taught by teachers and being taught by AI?
    Artificial Intelligence or AI can teach a lot, but a teacher is still important. AI can teach what all is fed into it, but cannot customize the lesson according to the level or need of the student. A teacher, on the other hand, can come down to the level of the student and tailor his lesson accordingly.
    AI can check whether the student’s answer is wrong or right, but only the teacher can tell where the answer went wrong.
    A teacher can help the students remain focused on study, whereas AI cannot do such monitoring.
    However, there are certain advantages of learning through AI. AI can deliver the same lesson 10 times a day without missing any point, but a teacher has a limit on how much he can teach in a day. With the help of AI, education can be spread to the remotest corners. Teachers may not like to go there.
    All said and done, the need of the day is that teachers teach with the help of AI. So, students will have the benefits of both.
  3. What are the most common types of schools in india?
    The most common types of schools in India are those till the High Scool and Senior Secondary levels.
  4. Which do you think is more important: primary school education or university education?
    I think both are important, but primary school education is the basis or the foundation for education. So, without that further education will be meaningless or extremely difficult. University education is for specialization in a particular area/field. So, that cannot be achieved without the basic knowledge and education.
  5. Do you think young people today are burdened with study?
    Yes, I think so. Young people today deal with a lot of stress, as they have to compete at the global level. Even at the local or national level, the competition has increased so much that any student who is below average or even average, for that matter, has reduced chances of success in their respective academic and career fields.
  6. Do you think today’s teachers are strict?
    I think today’s teachers are strict. However, the way they can impose strictness in the classroom has changed as compared to the past times. Corporal punishment is not at all acceptable and is no longer allowed. Teachers now have different ways of ensuring that there is discipline in the classroom, like they ensure that the students are engaged and maintain the decorum. Also, to punish they use less harsh, but at the same time more effective measures so that the learners understand their mistakes and not repeat them.
  7. How are the priorities of education today different from those in the past?
    In the past, education was merely exam based and did not focus on ensuring that the concepts were understood well. Today, there’s more focus on the quality of education and how it can be made more interesting and engaging for the learners so that they have a strong foundation. Also, education today deals with the all-round development of children through academics and extra curricular activities.
  8. What is the difference between private schools and public schools?
    The main difference between private and public schools is the facilities that are available. Provate schools have better facilities like smart classes, air contioners, better cafteria and food, etc. Also, the fees for private schools is higher than that for public schools. So, not everyone can afford to go to private schools.
  9. What are the benefits of private school?
    In private schools, students can focus more on the academics because they are provided with a comfortable environment and the latest technology to study. They have the latest facilities available in the classroom, labs, and for extra curricular activities. Private schools also ensure that the number of students in every classroom is not high, so that the students can get proper attention from their teachers.
  10. Do young people like to use computers?
    Yes, young people use computers for their studies like for research, assignments, projects, etc. . And also for entertainment, like they play games, listen to music, watch movies, etc. they use computers.
  11. What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in schools?
    I think the way languages are taught in schools is becoming better. There are new methodologies being incorporated in this area. Teachers are making use of technology to make the learning of languages more interesting and effective.
  12. How can the type of school you go to affect career success?
    I think the type of school we attend makes a big difference to the success we achieve in our career. If the quality of education and teaching methods are poor, then the foundation is weak in terms of knowledge and academics. Also, schools need to provide the required practical exposure to the students to be able to deal with real-life challenges that they face at work. For example, schools need to take students on field trips, educational trips, and should have proper labs. If these facilities are not provided, students will struggle later in their higher education and careers.
  13. What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near future?
    In the near future, I think more technology will be incorporated in the classroom. New and effective methods of teaching will be used, that will make learning more engaging and interesting. More focus will be laid on the all-round development of the students by introducing varied extra curricular activities.
  14. What important lessons we learn from schools?
    Besides gaining knowledge through academics, we learn many important lessons and values from schools, like social and moral values, we learn about qualities like team work, co-operation, communication skills, leadership skills, develop our creativity and schools also help hone the talent we have. By including subjects like environmental science, schools also make students aware of their responsibility towards safeguarding the environment.
  15. What is your opinion on the fact the more teachers are using computers in their teaching?
    I think it is a positive development that teachers are using computers. It helps make teaching more effective and interesting. Too much dependence on technology may become a barrier as teachers will not be able to address or handle a class well without it. So, there should be a balance maintained by the teachers, so that even when technology fails, it doesn’t impact the lesson.
  16. Do you agree that the purpose of education is to prepare people for their future lives?
    Yes, I agree with this view to a great. A majority of people get education so that they achieve success in their career in the future. However, there are some people who only want to gain knowledge about a particular area or field out of interest, rather than it serving a purpose in their career. For example, a doctor may want to learn a foreign language only out of interest.
  17. How government in your country can improve the current education system?
    I think the government plays a key role in the education system. There are many things that can be improved. The quality of education has been declining and the government needs to monitor that and ensure that it is not affected. The teachers who are hired should not only have the required qualitfications but also have the skills needed to teach effectively. This can be checked for before hiring teachers. Besides that there should be better facilities available in schools, like well-equipped labs, technology used should be latest and not outdated, etc. Extra curricular activities are being ignored and the government needs to make sure that such activities are incporated for the all round development of children. Besides these improvements, there are many remote areas in India, where schools are in a pitiable state. There are no facilities available and even the teachers teaching there are not well-qualified. So, there need to be some immediate measures taken and more finds should be allocated to improve the education in remote areas.
  18. Why do you think the changes are required?
    The changes and improvement that I just mentioned are required to improve the quality of education, so that the foundation of the children becomes stronger and they gain success in the future. The youth is the future a nation and ensuring the success of the youth ascertains the development and progress of a country.

Other Sample band 8+


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