
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a family member who you think is similar to you

Describe a family member who you think is similar to you

Describe a relative/ friend/ family member who you think is similar to you

You should say: 

  • who is he/ she
  • what he /she does
  • what others think about him/her

and explain how he/ she is similar to you.

Sample Answer:

Model Answer 1:I live in a joint family with my parents and relatives in Mumbai. I have a paternal cousin living with us and he is similar to me.

My parents think that a joint family is the way of living together within a family and thus they are not giving up the living. Therefore, I am living with many of my relatives and prefer to be with my cousins of my age. Kailas is one of my paternal cousins and is almost similar to me in nature and activities. It appears that we are siblings as we have many similarities. Naturally, both of us are calm and dislike the wicked kids of the family. Often the family members term us as twins since we always pass moments together and also live in the same room with another cousin of us.

Kailas is a student like me and we are in the same college having our 11th grade. He is a brilliant student with a ready wit. His sense of humour is deep and he can also make people laugh too within a few seconds with his extraordinary speaking skills. I am also a good speaker but he is more skilled than me. He likes to read books and we have bought many books together to make a library in the house. Besides, he is also a great chess player and practices his skills with me and please be noted that I am also a good chess player and been playing for a long time.

The family members believe that Kailas is a great student with his extraordinary merits and praise for his sincerity with the studies. He loves to pass times with me by performing extracurricular activities which is the most important issue for him. The other boys usually pass their times out of homes and get engaged in different mischievous activities and that is a great concern for the adults, but there are no such issues with Kailas or me. He always gets a better score comparing to me and I am also proud of that. He passes most of his time by reading and the most important fact is his humbleness in talking with everyone irrespective of caste, creed or colour.

Kailas is almost similar to me in different aspects. I like to pass times by reading different novels and my textbooks, and it is all the same for him too. I am a bit introvert and do not talk with people unless they start first, Kailas is my replica here. Although the attitudes and behaves I do with everyone is very gentle, Kailas is more humble than me in this case. When we go to attend an invitation, I do not make any hurry and Kailas follows me here. Wickedness is out of my nature and he is also like me in this sense. Our parents never think of us as the other parents do for their kids as they always perform mischievous acts and the local people most of the time comes with different allegations against them etc. In many aspects, I and Kailas are similar.


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