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HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way (Part...

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way (Part 2/3)

IELTS Speaking – Part 2

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

You should say:

• Who is this person?

• What was the problem?

• How did he/she solve it?

• And explain why you think he/ she did it in a smart way?

Sample Answer

I have always considered myself to be a clever person, but there are times when a situation is so unnerving that it is difficult to come up with a solution. During such times, I feel blessed to have sensible and resourceful friends. Although I am rarely in a dicey situation that I cannot find my way out of, there have been times when it was the quick-wit of a friend which saved me. I would like to talk about one instance where Ishaan, a very close friend of mine, was able to get me out of a tough situation. It was during the first semester of college, and I had just gotten my driver’s license, so I had been taking my father’s motorcycle to the institute. One day, we had plans to visit another friend who stayed close to me. Ishaan and I were going to meet him on my father’s motorbike. Unfortunately, the vehicle ran into problems and stopped suddenly on the road. Since we were in the middle of a busy road, I steered the bike towards the side, and both of us began to look for the cause of such a snag. Since this was the first time I had faced such a problem with the bike, I started panicking about the situation. Nevertheless, Ishaan quickly figured out that there was a connection problem with the vehicle’s battery, and he was right. I was relieved and impressed with how quickly he figured out and even solved the problem by making a few tweaks to the battery, and we were able to carry on without any hassle.


  • Unnerving
    Meaning: causing one to lose courage or confidence; disconcerting.
    Eg: The days before the final results were unnerving
  • Resourceful
    Meaning: having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
    Eg: He was known to be a resourceful person.
  • Dicey
    Meaning: unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
    Eg: They found themselves in a dicey situation.
  • Snag
    Meaning: an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback.
    Eg: There was a snag when we operated the new machinery.
  • Tweaks
    Meaning: a fine adjustment to a mechanism or system.
    Eg: The engineer made a few tweaks to the machine and it worked better than before.

IELTS Speaking – Part 3

  1. Do you think children are born smart or do they learn to become smart?
    In my opinion, smartness is an attribute that one acquires with experience. An individual can indeed have hereditary abilities that make them brighter than the average person. For example, when examined, Albert Einstein’s brain was said to be younger than the average person’s brain at the age of his death. Nevertheless, a person can be extremely intelligent and lack common sense at the same time. Thus, even if a person is born with a sharp mind, prudent decisions can only be made with experience and wisdom.
  2. How do children become smart at school?
    Children are known to be easily influenced by their surroundings. They adopt habits that they find to be intriguing and follow in the footsteps of their idols and peers alike. If a child is surrounded by friends and teachers who are brainy and sharp-witted, the cognitive development of that student is imminent. Similarly, it is an observable fact that being in the company of dull and incompetent peers makes a person ignorant as well. Thus, it can be assumed that if a child is blessed with skilful teachers and a bright group of friends, they tend to become smart themselves.
  3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?
    A person can have an array of abilities, and it is entirely dependent on the individual on which of these abilities is more apparent. Many individuals are good at a multitude of activities. However, some individuals are competent in only a certain discipline. Such a phenomenon can have several causes behind it, but such traits are quite common. Usually, all-rounders are known to be sociable as they learn new things from peers, friends or even strangers. On the other hand, individuals who are good at one thing are usually more introverted than others. Thus, they find joy in only a few activities.
  4. Why does modern society need talent of all kinds?
    Competition is one of the hallmarks of present-day society. If an individual is not proficient in a range of activities, they are often looked down upon by peers. At the same time, employers of the present generation are known to be demanding and expect candidates to multitask regularly. Also, a person needs to be capable of handling multiple responsibilities, especially during their youth, to cope with the challenging environment of modern society. Thus, it is natural for people to develop a knack for all kinds of tasks to be able to survive and thrive in this present day and age.
  5. How can we assist youngsters in realising their potential?
    There is a common issue with children being forced to follow whatever the majority is doing. There are many cases of students who choose a discipline or even a profession due to its universality and later regret their decision. Parents and teachers need to encourage youngsters to develop interests and hobbies that are stimulating to them. When an individual is exposed to a range of activities, it becomes easier for them to recognize their passion. Thus, to facilitate the growth of the youth into realizing their potential, we must support them in their endeavours.


  • Hereditary
    Meaning: (of a characteristic or disease) determined by genetic factors and therefore able to be passed on from parents to their offspring or descendants.
    Eg: Her love for apples was hereditary.
  • Intriguing
    Meaning: arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating. Eg: The artistry of Dali is intriguing.
  • Multitude
    Meaning: a large number of people or things.
    Eg: There is a multitude of reasons why this plan will not work.
  • Hallmarks
    Meaning: a distinctive feature.
    Eg: Courage and sensibility are the hallmarks of a wise person.
  • Universality
    Meaning: the quality of involving or being shared by all people or things in the world or in a particular group.
    Eg: The universality of social media in this era is concerning.


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