
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a time when you visited a friend or family member at...

Describe a time when you visited a friend or family member at their workplace

Describe a time when you visited a friend or family member at their workplace

You should say:

  • who you visited
  • where this person worked
  • why you visited this person’s workplace

and explain how you felt about visiting this person’s workplace.

Sample Answer

A couple of months ago I went to meet my best friend for lunch and she works in a design company, so I met her at her office and she showed me around it before we went out to eat.

She is a fashion designer, and her office, or studio, is in a converted industrial building. I think it might have been a warehouse or factory or something like that a long time ago, but it’s since been converted into commercial office space which is rented by various companies.

Anyway, she has a large studio which overlooks the street outside; it’s a corner location so she can see the main intersection of two busy streets and the park on the other side of the main road, so she has a great view, and lots of inspiration watching people go by each day.

Her office is quite spartan, not much office furniture, but plenty of open space, with a large designer’s drawing desk, an ergonomic chair, some bookshelves with plants, books, and other objects on them. There are lights which hang down from the ceiling which illuminate the different work areas she has organized within the space – it’s very open and airy and she loves working there.

I have to admit that I was quite inspired, and envious, when I first saw her workspace, I mean my office is nothing like that, it’s more like a cubicle, the usual corporate style, but then I’m not a designer. I would love to have a workplace like my friend’s – I think it would be such a nicer environment to work in, especially on long work days, which I have a lot of every month, when I have to work late.

In fact, I prefer to take work home when I’m very busy at work because I don’t like spending so long in my own office, it’s a bit drab and boring. I’d much prefer to have something like my friend has.


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