
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a website you often visit (Wiki)

Describe a website you often visit (Wiki)

“Description A Website You Often Visit” belongs to the theme group “Describe An Object (Description of the object/object)” is an important problem and is often asked in the IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

  • What it is
  • How long you have been using it
  • What type of website it is

Sample Answer

Wikipedia is a website that I often visit. I first learned about it from my older brother when I was in high school. He suggested that I use it as a source of information for my school projects and assignments. Ever since then, I have been using Wikipedia to explore various topics that interest me.

For those who are not familiar with it, Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that contains information on almost any subject you can think of. It is an open-source platform that anyone can contribute to, meaning that there is a vast range of topics available to read about. The website is constantly updated, and users can make edits to the information that is available, making it a highly informative and reliable source.

I visit Wikipedia quite frequently, at least a few times a week. I find myself using it as a starting point whenever I need to research a topic or find more information on something. Whether it’s learning about a new technology, reading up on current events, or exploring a new hobby, I always seem to find myself on the website. I also appreciate the fact that the website is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, so I can browse it on my laptop or my phone.

The reason why I find Wikipedia so useful is that it provides me with reliable and unbiased information on a wide range of topics. I like that the website is constantly updated and that users can make changes to the information. This means that the information is always up-to-date and reflects the latest research and findings. Additionally, I find the website’s user interface to be intuitive and easy to use, which makes it a convenient tool for quick reference or for more in-depth research. Overall, I highly recommend Wikipedia to anyone looking for an informative and reliable source of information on almost any topic.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow Question

1. What are the most popular and least popular apps in VietNam?

When it comes to popular apps in Vietnam, there are a few that stand out. Social media apps like Facebook and Instagram are widely used, as are messaging apps such as Zalo and Viber. Additionally, apps for transportation like Grab and Bee are gaining popularity due to their convenience. On the other hand, lesser-known apps such as those for mobile payment or specialized niche interests are less commonly used.

2. What’s the difference between the Internet and television?

While both television and the Internet can provide access to information, there are some key differences between the two. One major difference is the level of interactivity. The Internet allows for immediate feedback and response, while television is a more passive experience. Additionally, the Internet is more customizable and personalized, with users able to choose exactly what they want to see and when. Television, on the other hand, offers a more curated experience and often features a set schedule.

3. Why do people like to read the news on the Internet instead of on TV?

There are a few reasons why people may prefer to read the news on the Internet rather than on television. One major reason is the ability to access a wider range of news sources and perspectives. The Internet provides access to news from all over the world, while television often has a more limited focus. Additionally, the Internet allows for more up-to-date and real-time reporting, as well as the ability to customize news feeds based on personal interests.

4. Is the library still necessary? Why?

While the Internet has certainly changed the way people access information, libraries are still necessary for a variety of reasons. One reason is the role libraries play in providing access to information for those who may not have the resources to access it otherwise. Additionally, libraries serve as community spaces where people can gather, learn, and engage in cultural and educational events. Finally, libraries provide access to physical books and resources that cannot be replicated by digital means.

5. What kinds of people would still go to the library to read and study?

People from all walks of life may still go to the library to read and study. Students may use the library for research and study, while others may visit for access to specialized resources such as genealogy or historical archives. Additionally, some people simply enjoy the quiet and peaceful atmosphere that libraries provide. Finally, libraries often offer programming and events targeted towards specific groups such as children, seniors, or new immigrants.

Source: zim.vn

Another Topic:

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