
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2-AudioDescribe an intelligent person

Describe an intelligent person

Describe an intelligent person

You should say

  • Who the person is
  • What he or she does
  • Why you think he or she is intelligent and explain how you feel about him or her


Today, I’ll take this chance to talk about Hoang, one of the smartest friends that I have ever had. Back in high school, we used to hang out a lot untl he went abroad for further education.

Hoang was my classmate at high school and we got on quite well with each other as we shared a big interest – music. However, when it came to studying, everything turned out to be absolutely different. While I was doing really badly at Physics, he was considered as the smartest student in this subject at my school. He always stood first in all of the exams and no other students could come close to him. Every time the teacher asked us to solve a Physics question, it never took him more than 3 minutes to do the task. As he was quick on the uptake and understood the subject so well, Hoang was always in the teachers’ good books.

Not only did he perform well in Physics but he also did brilliantly at other science subjects because of his intellectual ability. He was also a great companion during my high school time. Thanks to his helpful guidance, I finally managed to get better grades in Physics as well.

That is all I want to share.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

1. What could parents do to help their children to become smarter?

Well I’m not quite sure, but scientifically speaking, if children are breasted
during their first years, it is very likely that they will grow up more intelligent than those drinking powdered milk. We all know a mother’s milk is highly nutritious for infants, so I guess this is a wise choice.

2. What kind of job do you think requires workers to be very intelligent?

Personally, I would say being a doctor requires people to be incredibly intelligent. You know, I really admire those who have studied tons of medical theories and know precisely how to deal with a variety of their patents’ ailments. Intelligence
and prodigious memory are highly necessary for this occupation.

3.6 Do you think artificial intelligence will take over humans in the future?

No I don’t think so. As we can see in sci-fi movies, there will be a day when AI gain control over our civilization. I mean, basically, we can predict such an undesirable prospect so we can totally prevent it from happening. I guess scientists are smart enough not to be controlled by what they have devised.

4. Does technology make our life become better or worse?

Well, there’re two sides to every coin. I think cuc edge technology provides human beings with better living standards like modern air-conditioners or eco- friendly solar vehicles. Yet, we are also suffering its negative effects, such as our addictions to social media and over-reliance on smartphones.

5. Is it easy to teach old people to learn how to use modern technology?

Not quite. Most of the elderly face memory loss due to aging and they may become absent-minded and hardly remember any of the teaching. Also, teaching them to use modern technological devices is hard because they can be seen as
inaccessible. You know, there weren’t any such things back in their time.


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