
HomeIELTS WritingWriting VocabularyIELTS Essay Writing Vocabulary

IELTS Essay Writing Vocabulary

Here you will find useful vocabulary for IELTS Essay writing such as beginnings, endings, stating viewpoints and so forth. 


  • Over the last century …
  • The idea that … has its merits.
  • While this is an interesting proposal and has some merit, my own view is that it would …
  • Despite these arguments, there is an equally strong case to be made that it would be …
  • There is much debate about the position. I will discuss both these … in this essay.
  • This is a complex issue and my belief is that …
  • There are a variety of potential ways of combatting this problem.
  • However, in order to find a solution, it is first of all necessary to understand what has led to this happening.
  • Finding the right policies is not an easy task as it is a complex problem.
  • There is some dispute whether the best method of …

Stating viewpoints

  • There are different viewpoints held in this discussion.
  • Some people argue that …, while others think that …
  • However, there is a large body of opinion which is opposed to …
  • It is said that three-quarters of all children …

To add more points on a topic

  • There are several reasons why …
  • It can also be argued that …
  • This is certainly not an easy issue though, because … has caused as many problems as it solves.
  • … is the only point to be taken into consideration when …
  • … is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed.
  • At the same time, a lot of publicity is given to what the public consider to be …
  • Most of the experts blame … for this problem.
  • Given that … is cheap and …, it is not surprising that …


  • My conclusion is therefore that …
  • In conclusion, I believe that while there are real merits on both sides of the argument, the moral case against forcing people to work slightly outweighs any benefit to …
  • Its benefits outweigh the drawbacks and have a positive effect on many aspects of our lives …
  • All things considered, …
  • My own personal view is that there is merit in both sides of the debate.
  • Finally, …


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