
HomeIELTS SpeakingVocabularyUseful vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Useful vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Here you will find useful vocabulary for IELTS Speaking test such as beginnings, middles, endings and so on.

In addition, we have listed examples of how to reformulate questions, use opinion language and also what to do in case you forget what you want to say.


  • I am not sure what you mean, could you be more specific?
  • Could you repeat the question, please?
  • Well, I have never thought about it, but If I do, I would say that …
  • Well, it is not a simple question …

Reformulation of the questions

  • What did I enjoy doing as a child? Let me see …
  • That’s not something I’ve thought about before. It’s an interesting question.
  • I haven’t thought about that question before.
  • Wow, that’s tough question to answer.
  • I need a couple of seconds to think about that but …
  • I’m not quite sure what to say here …
  • There are a variety of different things I could say …


  • I almost forgot to say that … / Another point would be that …
  • And I should add that …

Opinion language

  • In my opinion … / I think that … / Well, if you ask me, … / When it comes to me, I …
  • I am sure something will/won’t happen / It is unlikely/likely this event won’t/will occur
  • As I see it … / In my opinion … / I’d say … / If you ask me … / Personally …
  • I’m certain … / I’m convinced …
  • I guess … / I suppose … / I reckon …

What you just said was rubbish

  • Let me try and rephrase that …
  • What I’m trying to say is …
  • Or to put it another way …

You forgot the word or what you wanted to say

  • Sorry, it’s on the tip of the tongue …
  • I don’t know the right way to put this …
  • I’m not sure if this is the right way to put it, but …

Coherence – repeat yourself

  • As I was saying … / As I said before …


  • It is fairly likely that …
  • It’s rather unlikely that …


  • And I suppose that that’s my main point
  • And finally, I’d say that …
  • And I don’t think I have anything else to say


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