
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Work (Question-Answer)

IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Work (Question-Answer)

•    Do you work somewhere?
Yes, I am working as a Business Analyst in a large IT company. the name of this company is IT Vista and I joined there 2 years ago.

•    What do you do for the living? 
The job is my main source of income. Apart from that, I work as a part-time consultant in a Business organisation and do some professional content writing as a freelancer.

•    How much time do you spend at your job?
I spent around 8 hours every day in my day job. I get Saturday and Sunday off from this job which I utilise to spend time with my family. I work about 4 hours as a consultant in another office on Friday and Sunday. Apart from that, my freelancing career requires me 2 hours approximately every night. So on an average, I spend around 9-10 hours per day at my job.

•    How long have you been working?
As a full-time employee, I am working for the last 4 years. But I started my freelancing career far before than that.

•    Do you like your job?
Definitely, I love my job. I love the work I do and I like to be productive in my job field. In fact, my job brings me my bread and butter and I am grateful for having a nice job in a prestigious organisation.

•    What are you doing these days?
You mean in my office right? In my office, I am working on requirement creation for a large software and I need to report the progress every day to the team lead. Apart from that, I am writing a pdf manual for a client.

•    What do you do in a typical day at work?
I mostly research different software and try to understand what the market leaders of a particular software are doing. I document their strong and weak points and then call a meeting to describe my findings. Then I take feedback from the developers and other senior managers to finalise my software requirement. I often attend meetings with my CEO and team members to track the progress of a project.

•    What responsibilities do you have?
Well, I work as a business analyst in a large software company and my responsibilities include understanding and documenting the requirements of the clients, competitor analysis, market research, then converting the requirements for the programmer, tracking the project, updating the CEO about the progress, collaborating with the developers, communicating the clients for further changes, testing the software from a high level and making sure that the software is delivered to the clients before deadline.

Those are in fact the main responsibilities I have in my job. However, due to the dynamic nature of the software industries, I often need to perform additional tasks as required for making a project successful.

•    Why did you choose that kind of work?
Well, being a business analyst was not my initial career plan. I started my career as a programmer. While I worked with another large software company, they promoted me to this position and I found it more challenging and demanding. I started enjoying my work and then decided to work as a business analyst. The business analyst position of a company requires these kinds of works and the responsibilities are equally demanding and challenging. I think I chose to work in this position initially because I was promoted to this position but I have continued this position because I enjoy my work.

•    Did you have to do any training or study for this job?
Computer Science was my major at my university and this is a must to start a career as a software programmer. After I worked on many software development projects for about 2 years, I was promoted to the business analyst job position. So I would say my education in university level and job experiences for about 2 years as a developer were required for this job position. Apart from that, I had to complete two comprehensive training sessions before I started working in this position.

•    Is there anything you don’t like about your job?
I would say I enjoy most of the responsibilities I have in this job position. However, the part I least enjoy is the pressure I have to take to finish a project before a deadline. Sometimes the time estimation is to perfect due to various facts but that’s something the CEO and the clients are adamant to listen to. Once a deadline is fixed, they want to have it religiously followed. Besides, I often need to cancel my family programs and work in the office during holidays. This is another part I do not like since it damages my family and personal life.

•    Was it easy to get this job? 
Well, it’s hard to say. As I told you I started my career as a software developer and then was promoted to this current job position. Probably the CEO of that company considered me as a deserving candidate for this position. Then I joined another company in this same job position and I went through a rigid interview session. So I would say this is a tough job to get but in my case, that was comparatively easier.

•    Did you like your first day at work?
Thank you for the question. In fact, my first day at work was such a unique experience that I will remember it forever. If I recall my memory of that particular day, I was nervous. It was like being on an alien planet with no friends or known persons. I sat at my desk and filled up some necessary forms and other employees came to my desk to greet me. I was intimidated when the HR manager asked me for a document that I forgot to bring. But I got back my harmony and usual myself when I found that my boss, the HR manager and other colleagues were very amiable and friendly. My CEO called me into his room and described my job responsibilities and tried to motivate me. That was really impressive as it completely erased my fear and anxiety. So I would say I liked my first day at work very much.

Now, whenever a new employee joins our company I behave very compassionately and try to be very friendly with them considering how much it matters to them.

•    Have you always wanted to do this type of work? 
If you mean working in a software company, yes, I wanted to work as a software developer and then working in more seniors positions as soon as I got admitted to my university. But before that, I always wanted to be a doctor.

If you mean working as a business analyst, that would be difficult to answer. I never thought to be a business analyst until the day I was promoted to this position. However, if you ask me what I think now, I would say I love this job position and I was lucky to be promoted to this position.

•    How long have you been doing this job? 
Well, I am working as a business analyst for the last one year and a half. Before that, I worked as a programmer for about 2 years.

•    How long will you continue to do this type of work?
Umm! I will continue to work for this type of job at least next 5 to 6 years. After that, I have a plan to become an entrepreneur and run my own software company.

•    Would you like to do a different job in the future?
I might try to work as a part-time web-strategist for a large web development company. But I have not given it that much thought. I would love to continue my current job role for the next few years but won’t be interested in working in a different sector unless and until I start my own software company.


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