This topic in Cambridge IELTS 17 test 4
In this post, we discuss about “Topic arriving Late & Managing study time” with sample answers.

Arriving Late
1. Do you think it is ok to arrive late when meeting a friend?
That really depends upon what the meeting is I think and how late you are. If you are just catching up at a cafe or something casual like that, then I think it’s fine to be five or ten minutes late. But 20 or 30 minutes late is probably not really acceptable. However, if you are in a situation where you need to be punctual, like going to the cinema, or going to a restaurant, then I think you need to try your best to be on time.
2. What should happen to people who arrive late for work?
Well that’s a tricky question, because it depends on the situation. I think it doesn’t really matter in many cases if you are a little late for work. The main thing is that you achieve your work outcomes for the day. It’s already been proven in some countries that people can achieve more by being at work less. But if you have a job that requires you to be on time, such as being a teacher, then it’s not really acceptable to be late. I suppose people in that situation who are late should face some kind of financial punishment, such as a fine or something.
3. Can you suggest how people can make sure they don’t arrive late?
I think the best way to be on time is to aim to be 10-15 minutes early. Normally, people are 5 or 10 minutes late, so if they aim to be 10-15 minutes early, then they should arrive on time. I think the problem is that people need to change their mindset about being on time. If you need to be somewhere at midday, then don’t aim for midday, you need to aim for 11.45, to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. My friend once told me that if you’re not 10 minutes early, then it means you are late. I think that’s a good way of looking at it.
Managing study time
1. Is it better to study for long periods or in shorter blocks of time?
I think that depends on each individual really and their capacity to absorb information. But overall, I’d say that it’s better to study in shorter blocks of time, otherwise people just lose concentration and get distracted easily, which then becomes counterproductive. I used to cram the day before for my exams at university, but then on the day of the test my mind was like a sieve. I couldn’t remember anything. Your brain just can’t function like that. Some people have a photographic memory though, they can read an entire book in minutes just by looking at the pages. I wish I had that skill.
2. What are the likely effects of students not managing their study time well?
Well I’d say there are several effects, but the main one is that the students simply won’t get the best grades that they can. They’ll end up having to cram or rush their studies and just hope for the best on the day of the test. Not to mention the physical health effects of staying up all night to cram for an exam. Doing that regularly is bound to cause all sorts of health problems.
3. How important is it for students to have enough leisure time?
I think it is vastly important. Without leisure time, life becomes too dull. Leisure time allows students to relax and let their hair down for a while, you know. Playing sports or doing exercise allows them to blow off some steam, which helps to rejuvenate their minds so that when they go back to school they can focus and concentrate much better. I think the impact of leisure time on students’ studies is probably very underrated. I’m sure there have been some studies done on the topic before.