Speaking Part 3

Describe a person you are happy to know

CueCard Part 2 Describe a person you are happy to...

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Answer Test 4 (C.19)

In this post, we would like to put an...

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Answer Test 3 (C.19)

In this post, we would like to put an...

Two-way discussion : Education & Teaching

What kind of person makes a good teacher? Well, I think a person with the passion for teaching, good interpersonal skill, talent and some...

Two-way discussion : Technology and Life

What are the differences between the life in the past and at the present? Well, this is a grave question indeed. Life is a...

Two-way discussion : Tourism

What are some famous tourist spots in your country? Thank you for the question. Malaysia, the South Asian country is one of the most...

Two-way discussion : Status & Ambition

What kinds of things give status to people in your country? Well, education, wealth, money, large house, car, fame, career are some of the...

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IELTS Cambridge 15 – Speaking (Test 1)

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What do you think makes someone a good...

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A. CREATING A NICE HOME Why do some people...

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