
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 3Two-way discussion : Letter

Two-way discussion : Letter

  • What is the difference between letter and e-mail?
    Well, letters and e-mails are different in several ways. Though both of them are used for communication, they differ in their nature. The first one is manual while the later one is electrical. To write a letter, you’ll need a pen and a paper, then you are to go for the post office to post the letter yet sometimes it remains unknown whether the letter will be delivered or not in some cases. But to compose an e-mail, you need a computer with an active internet connection. You also need to have an e-mail account to send the mail while the recipient also needs the same – an e-mail address to receive the e-mail. But sending emails have some benefits which are not found in posting letters. The important issue about e-mail is that it is much safer than sending letters. Only the intended recipient is able to read the e-mail while the letters could be read by anyone as those are sent using envelopes which are insecure. You can send e-mails to any parts of the world where there is an internet connection, but on the other side, postal service is not enriched around the world and sometimes letters go missing for several reasons. Earlier, people used to send letters and wait for months for the reply but those days are over now for the dint of e-mail. An e-mail can reach its recipient within a couple of seconds after it is sent.
  • Do you often keep diaries?
    Umm! No. I do not keep diaries at all now. But when I was a teen, I used to keep a dairy and penned all the events of the day on that. Sometimes I used to read the diary in my leisure hours and remembered all the events through my imagination. I gave up keeping a diary after I got promoted to my high school; I had to be very busy with my studies and extracurricular activities and sports events. My engagement on different events increased that made me highly occupied and I hardly could manage time for keeping the diary. Earlier, when I kept the diary, I spent around one hour in a day to remember all the happened events and then wrote them in the diary. And it was night time when I wrote. But I tried to reduce the time and someday I found that I’m unwilling to keep it. The writing appeared troublesome and with a tired body, I could not write well. Since then, I gave up the habit of keeping my diary.
  • What is the difference between the diary and the letter?
    There are huge differences between a diary and letter. First, the difference is about purposes. A letter is written for someone to inform over any specific issues who is living far away from the letter writer, and a diary is basically the combination of all the events that someone has experienced throughout the day. There are a few similarities are found as well like the letter is sent with information while the diary is also filled with information but the uses are different. Moreover, a diary is always private while the letter may not be private always. Diaries provide pleasure to the diary-keeper while the letter could carry either good or shocking news. Diary keeping is a habit for many of the people who want to save the past events of the day on the pages while a letter is not used unless it turns necessary. A letter is written on a sheet of paper while diary is written on a small-sized book with empty pages. The letter needs to be sent using envelopes and stamps while the diaries could be kept at any place at home as those are not need to send for others. Additionally, a diary contains the thoughts and emotions and many necessary or unnecessary facts and information of an individual while the letter contains only the essential information.
  • What is the difference in the past and at the present as regards communications?
    Thanks for your question. Communication has experienced the greatest change and there are wide ranges of communication systems. The humankind started to progress with the invention of the wheel and since then the communication has gained many ups and downs. We can see a good number of communication modes now like telephone, telex, e-mail, letter social networking websites etc. but those underwent different upgrades from time to time and they were not in the situation as we are experiencing them now. I also have heard that a long ago people used a pigeon to send messages from one place to another, though a bit risky communication mode. After the initiation of postal service, it was a kind of relief for the people and communication became easy for them in the then context. But when the modern communication modes got invented, it becomes easier for them. The modern communication modes spread rapidly within a few decades and now people rely more on the modern modes instead of the traditional communication modes.
  • What is the role of letter 20 years ago and at the present?
    Umm, if I want to say the importance of letter about 20 years ago, I have to recall the memories and stories that I heard from my parents. My father once told me that letter was the only mode of communication and it worked well for the international communication. He said that people living abroad used to send letters to their near and dear ones and a letter usually took about one month to reach the destination from the country it was sent. The recipients became highly happy after receiving the letters. But the scenario is different in the current days. Letters have lost their importance almost across the globe. It has happened for the advancement of technology and the invention of modern communication modes. Letters are still being used in some parts of the world but they are being replaced with e-mail, telephones and social networks. The internet and computers are available around the world and people are tending more to communicate electronically than writing a letter and wait for that being sent to the recipients. But there is none to blame for the letters to be replaced by the modern modes. This is quite natural and if something more interesting and important is discovered, people will turn to use those as they are currently using the modern modes.
  • What do you think of the role 20 years later?
    Well, letters are is unable to play important roles in the current days as they did 20 years back. In those days, letters were written for numerous purposes and even people composed letter to let their near and dear ones know about the slightest issue of their life. But now the scenario is different. People are using modern communication modes telephones, cellular phones, e-mails, social networking websites etc. to communicate and share their issues. Moreover, the modern modes are speedy and can send the messages within the shortest possible time while the letters took longer times to be delivered. But letters are still important to some of the people, especially the senior citizens who have experienced the golden age of letters. They like to get and send letters to their near and dear ones even in the modern days.
  • What do you think of creative writing?
    Umm, to me the meaning of creative writing is something different. I think this is beyond the usual writing genre like academic or professional writing. In fact, the definition of creative writing is not well defined. It is basically different from the academic writing and become creative when a writer comes up with the ideas and issues which are nonconventional in type and never been used before. Sometimes it is used to earn living for the writer as well. Scriptwriting could be a notable example in this case. The writing style is different and does not follow any rules. It could be connected and compared with literature. Usually, in literature, the literary pieces are few and in some cases, only a single piece is composed. So, they remain unique always. Similarly, creative writing does not produce the same thing twice. It is also different from the other types of writings for the theme of such pieces is unusual and difficult to comprehend for the people except for the targeted group.
  • Would post office disappear 20 years later?
    No, I don’t think that post offices will disappear after 20 years. If there were even tiniest chances of the post office being disappeared, they would have been disappeared right after the invention of e-mail or the telephone. Post offices are maintained by the government and it is up to the government’s consideration to close the post offices. But I think the governments will not do so. Letters are sent through the post offices and thus the post offices are the traditional sources of communication. It has played a very important role earlier and now it is also important in some cases. The governmental documents are transferred from place to places through the postal departments. Besides, it cannot be said that the postal department is entirely inactive. Further, there are always some underprivileged people found in every society and they do not have access to the modern communication modes, and so use the services offered by postal departments. So, for all such reasons, I think post offices will survive even after next 20 years.


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