
HomeIELTS WritingFull Writing ReviewIELTS Writing Actual Test 30/11/2019 (Food)

IELTS Writing Actual Test 30/11/2019 (Food)

Task 1

The Pie chart gives information about the country of birth of people living in Australia and the table shows where people born in these countries live. 

Where people live in Australia 

CountryCitiesRural areas 
UK 89% 11% 
Australia 83% 17% 
China 99% 1% 
New Zealand 80% 20% 
Netherlands 90% 10% 

Sample Answer:

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of people living in Australia with different nationalities, while the table indicates the distribution of these people in cities and rural areas. 

Overall, it can be seen that the majority of Australia’s population was born in this country. In addition, most of people in Australia live in urban areas. 

As can be seen from the pie chart, Australia accounted for the greatest percentage of 73%, which is about 7 times higher than that of the UK. It is noticeable that the people who were born in New Zealand, China and Netherlands merely made up small proportions, with 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. Besides, nearly one-fourth of Australia’s population come from other countries. 

Moving on, UK and Netherlands share the same percentage of people living in rural areas, with about 10%, which is double that of New Zealand. Surprisingly, while the figure for Australian living in cities is only 83%, that of Chinese constitute exactly 99%.

Task 2

People think that countries should produce foods that their population eats and import less food as much as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Sample Answer:

Some people believe that countries should produce their own food for their citizens and reduce the amount of food that is imported. Personally, I totally agree with this point of view. 

There are several reasons why a country should produce its own food for its population, one of which is the creation of more jobs. When the demand for domestically produced food grows within a country, there will be more job opportunities available for local people in farming and food processing industries, leading to a reduction in unemployment rates. Secondly, it may be easier to control food quality when it is produced domestically, as authorities can easily monitor farms and food processing plants, in order to maintain safe, hygienic food standards. 

Additionally, food imports should be reduced due to a number of reasons. Firstly, putting barriers on importing food can help to boost a country’s economy by eliminating the competition that local companies face with foreign products, allowing them to be more profitable and contribute to the national economy. Furthermore, food importation can have negative environmental impacts due to the large amounts of carbon emissions released from the transportation of products all around the world via planes, trucks, and ships. By reducing food imports, countries can play their part in helping to protect the environment, rather than contributing to environmental issues such as climate change. 

In conclusion, I believe that each country should invest in the development of its agricultural industry to provide food for the population itself, and import as little as possible. 


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