
HomeIELTS WritingFull Writing ReviewIELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 17/11/2018

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test 17/11/2018

Task 1:

  • Level: Easy
  • Type: Line graph

1. Sample:

The given line graph compares the percentage of people in Africa who subscribed to mobile, and fixed line phones, from 1994 to 2004.

Overall, the line graph shows that the percentage of subscribers for both mobile and fixed line phones increased over the period. However, while fixed line phones were the most popular choice at the beginning of the period, mobile phones were significantly more popular by the end of the period.

In 1994, 1.7% of African inhabitants subscribed to fixed line phones, with only 0.06% of people using mobile phones. Both types of phone subscription slowly increased over the following four years, with mobile phones increasingly gaining popularity and equaling the percentage of fixed line users in the year 2000, at approximately 2.5%.

From 2000 onwards, while the percentage of fixed line subscribers continued to slowly increase, the percentage of mobile phone users saw a dramatic rise, ending up at 8.8% in 2004, compared to 3.1% for fixed line subscribers in the same year.

(165 words)

2. Vocabulary

  • To gain popularity (collocation)
  • To equal something (v)


Task 2:

The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies than on positive developments is harmful to the individuals and the society as a whole.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • Level: Medium
  • Type: Opinion
  • Topic: Media
  • Keyword: news; focus more on p lems and emergencies; harmful to the individuals and the society.

1. Sample:

It is believed by some that mainstream media channels focus most of their attention on the problems and urgent issues in society, rather than on positive news, and this trend is harmful to people. I partly agree with this Idea because such a tendency involves both positive and negative impacts.

On the one hand, a higher frequency of news stories focusing on negative aspects in society is not a good thing, and can have detrimental effects on people’s mental state. For example, news about terrorism and war has become so common in the media that some people may hesitate to travel abroad in fear of suffering from a terrorist attack. Secondly, it can also lead people to have a misunderstanding about many aspects within society, which should be given greater respect and recognition. For example, many tabloids, such as Dispatch of Korea or 14Channel of Vietnam, have always reported on the scandals of celebrities, which can mislead the public into believing in the flaws of showbiz, whereas in reality, it is an industry where many people have made many great contributions to society.

On the other hand, the focus on negative issues rather than positive developments is legitimate to some extent. Firstly, the media can be seen as an effective way to spread news, to even the most remote places, and this can help to bring people together in order to solve serious problems. The more people that are informed about issues, the sooner they can be solved. Secondly, it can help to raise awareness amongst citizens. The more negative stories appear in the media, the higher chance that people will become aware of it and take action towards a solution. For instance, news coverage about cancer has now become a common topic in the media, and as a result, a large amount of people have switched to a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, the media has good reason to report on all issues, although the accompanying negative impacts need to be considered.

(331 words)

2. Vocabulary

  • mainstream media channels (n)
  • A higher frequency of news stories
  • To hesitate to do something
  • In fear of suffering from a terrorist attack
  • Tabloids (n)
  • the scandals of celebrities (n)
  • made many great contributions to society
  • bring people together


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