
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Sample - TopicsIELTS Writing Sample : Family (2)

IELTS Writing Sample : Family (2)


Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like.

Is it good for children?

What are the consequences when they grow up? 

Band 8 Sample

Parental approaches to raising children surely play a key role in a child’s development. Many parents often over-indulge their children, and I feel that this method would significantly hinder their individual growth and later adult life.

It is human nature to love their offspring, however over-indulgence is a poor choice of rearing. Children need to learn through reward and punishment, which means that they should be punished for what they do wrong and rewarded when they achieve something. Punishments like withdrawal of privileges or even those of physical nature could sometimes be needed to educate children. However, if they are allowed to do whatever they want, they will not understand the difference between right and wrong and become ignorant, thoughtless individuals.

Providing youngsters with whatever they desire would teach them nothing but to have no regard for what they already have. For example, they will pester their parents to buy them a new toy if they are bored with the one they have. This is extremely dangerous because it could be the basis of their character when they grow up.

When there is no limit to the indulgence parents show towards their kids, these children will become needy and dependent, and therefore are unable to live on their own. In some cultures like Vietnam, parents pick up their kids from school even during high school, buy their clothes and cook for them at home. Children do not have to do anything, which is mainly why many of them cannot stay away from their parents and live independently even when they are in their twenties.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that indulgence should be limited. Otherwise, it may poorly shape children’s personalities and restrict their ability to lead an independent life later on.


Vocabulary highlights:

  1. Play a key role in a child’s developmen
  2. Over-indulgence is a poor choice of rearing
  3. Withdrawal of privileges
  4. Pester their parents to buy them a new toy
  5. The basis of their character
  6. There is no limit to the indulgence parents show towards their kids

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