
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 1IELTS Writing Task 1 - 2019 (Bar chart)

IELTS Writing Task 1 – 2019 (Bar chart)

1. The chart below shows waste collection by a recycling centre from 2011 to 2015.



The bar chart illustrates how much waste was collected by a recycling centre over five consecutive years, starting in 2011.

It is clear that the total amount of waste collected each year followed similar trends and only fluctuated slightly. Additionally, while waste paper was the most collected type of recyclable waste, the opposite was true for garden waste during the period.

In 2011, paper was the most collected type of waste, at just under 60 tons, while about 50 tons of glass was collected. Meanwhile, there was approximately 35 tons of discarded tin collected, and 32 tons of plastic waste.

The amount of collected waste paper hit the lowest point of approximately 40 tons in 2013 before rising to over 70 tons in 2015, which was the highest figure for all observed years. Meanwhile, the figures for the other types of waste all witnessed fluctuations throughout the period, with 52 tons of glass, 39 tons of tin and 35 tons of garden waste being collected in the last year.

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2.The bar chart shows the average size class in primary schools and lower secondary schools in 6 countries compared to the world average in 2006.


The bar chart illustrates the average class size in primary and secondary schools in six different countries, and compares these figures with the world average.

In general, the world average number of pupils in a lower secondary school class was higher than the figure for primary schools. In addition, Asian countries (South Korea and Japan) had a higher number of students on average in classrooms compared with other countries.

In 2006, South Korea, Japan, and the UK all had larger primary school classes when compared with the world average. South Korea had the largest primary school classes, at around 34 students per class. On the other hand, Mexico, Denmark, and Iceland all had smaller than world average primary school classes, at 20, 23, and 21 students per class respectively.

With regards to lower secondary school classes, South Korea, Japan, and Mexico, all had higher than world average class sizes, with South Korea again having the largest classes, at an average of 36 students per class. The UK, Denmark, and Iceland, all had smaller than world average classes, with 18, 21, and 20 students per class respectively.

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