
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a wedding that you have attended.

Describe a wedding that you have attended.

You should say:

  • Whose wedding it was
  • Who was there
  • What happened
  • And explain how you felt.

Band 9.0 Model Answer

Today, I’m gonna share with you a wedding of my friend that I attended. Last

month, I received a wedding invitation from my old friend from primary school. The wedding was held at the beginning of April. We have been close to each other for over 15 years, therefore, I definitely wanted to attend at all costs, due to the fact that we hadn’t had a chance to get together for ages.

Her wedding ceremony took place at The Sum Villa, located near my home in the heart of my city. It was decorated impressively with a lot of lights, candles and flowers around the room. There were three glamorous wedding photo albums, showing tables right at the centre of the official gate. The principal colours were likely to be white and violet, so all the guests were requested to wear clothes with one or both of these colours. Personally, I wore a white dress with small accessories.

It was meant to be a casual wedding, which I had never attended before. It turned out to be refreshingly informal. One of the best moments that really touched me was when the bridegroom sang a song for the bride and all the guests sang along with him. Also, he made a photo clip by himself marking their 4-year romance, to show to everyone in the room. It was no surprise that everyone clapped their hands and cheered them. Of course, I was no exception.

It was also a good chance to catch up with my old friends and we all had a great time. We definitely made the most of the occasion and took a lot of pictures with the bride and the bridegroom. I gave my friend a gift to celebrate her wedding day. I had given much thought to my wedding present when I was choosing it, and I wished her lots of happiness for the future.

Vocabulary & Useful Expression

  • hold: [verb] have a meeting/conversation/party/wedding/event.
  • close to: [expression] knowing someone well and liking them very much.
  • at all costs: [expression] whatever is needed to achieve something.
  • for ages: [expression] for a long time.
  • decorate: [verb] make something more attractive.
  • glamorous: [adjective] especially attractive and exciting.
  • albums: [noun] a book in which you keep photographs.
  • accessories: [noun] things like belts or bags, which you carry to match your clothes.
  • bridegroom: [noun] a man on his wedding day.
  • bride: [noun] a woman on her wedding day.
  • romance: [noun] a relationship between two people who are in love.
  • clapped their hands: [expression] hit their open hands together, to show that they liked or enjoyed something.
  • cheer: [verb] to shout loudly, to show support or to encourage someone.


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