
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2IELTS Writing Task 2: Children & Crime (Real Exam/Test)

IELTS Writing Task 2: Children & Crime (Real Exam/Test)

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of children and crime from the real IELTS exam.

IELTS Writing Task 2 : Children & Crime

Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Others think the parents should be punished instead.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer :

Some today are calling for parents to be held responsible for crimes committed by their children. In my opinion, there are exceptions but many cases merit greater punishment for parents.

Those arguing against this reform point out that parents are not always culpable. There are numerous instances of loving parents who raise their child well but social problems still manifest from a young age. This is often the case if the child suffers from a mental illness such as schizophrenia or a dissociative disorder. These conditions may stem from simple genetics, in which case parents should not be punished, or from trauma the primary caregivers are unaware of. For example, if they have been abused at school or by a relative then it follows logically the offending, rather than innocentparty should be brought to justice.

Despite the important exceptions above that courts must sort throughparental abuse and neglect should be punishable. Studies have shown that most young children who commit crimes have been abused in some way by their parents. Serial killers are an extreme but useful case in pointNearly every serial killer begins antisocial behaviour from a young age, including the criminal torture of animals. There are also no known examples of serial killers coming from happy homes; they are all the product of varying degrees of abuse from their parents. This is clear evidence that parents play the pivotal role in molding the psyche of young children. As children grow up and have more influences this may change but for young children, parents are chiefly responsible and courts should recognise this fact.

In conclusion, there are some cases where parents may not be at fault for criminal acts by children but in most situations they are the driving forceTrying parents for their child’s crime and seeking treatment for the children would therefore be a modernprogressive, and positive reform.

Children & Crime: Vocabulary

  • calling for wanting
  • held responsible be tried in court
  • committed did
  • exceptions cases that don’t apply
  • many cases merit most situations deserve
  • arguing against don’t believe
  • reform change
  • culpable responsible
  • numerous instances many examples
  • raise their child well bring up a kid in a good way
  • social problems can’t interact with others well
  • manifest become real
  • this is often the case if usually happens when
  • suffers from a mental illness have a mental disorder
  • schizophrenia a serious mental illness
  • dissociative disorder suffering a trauma and then a condition from that
  • conditions environment
  • stem from come from
  • genetics what you are born with, your nature
  • trauma problems in life
  • primary caregivers parents or whoever takes care of you
  • unaware of know about
  • abused getting hurt
  • relative someone in your family
  • follows logically naturally
  • offending guilty
  • innocent not guilty
  • party person
  • brought to justice tried in court, punished
  • important exceptions above key cases mentioned before
  • courts where you are tried for a crime
  • sort through work through
  • parental abuse and neglect parents hurting or not paying attention to their kids
  • punishable can be punished (adjective)
  • in some way through some method
  • serial killers people who kill multiple victims
  • extreme serious
  • useful case in point important example
  • nearly every almost all
  • begins antisocial behaviour starts to behave badly
  • criminal torture of animals hurting animals
  • no known examples no instances of
  • coming from happy homes raised well
  • the product of varying degrees of abuse the result of different levels of abuse
  • clear evidence obvious support
  • play the pivotal role important part
  • molding the psyche influencing their mind
  • influences what effects you
  • chiefly responsible mostly accountable
  • recognise this fact be aware of
  • at fault their responsibility
  • driving force main influence
  • trying parents putting parents on trial
  • seeking treatment therapy
  • modern new
  • progressive modern
  • positive reform good change

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