
HomeIELTS WritingWriting ExercisesIELTS Writing Task 2 (Exercises) : CRITICISING TEACHERS

IELTS Writing Task 2 (Exercises) : CRITICISING TEACHERS


Useful words and phrases:

  1. (an) open discussion(s) (np)
  2. better (v)
  3. detrimentally (adv)
  4. discipline – indiscipline (n)
  5. educational quality (np)
  6. exacerbate (v)
  7. imitate (v)
  8. initial instability (np)
  9. lose one’s temper (collocation)
  10. pedagogical skills (np)
  11. proactive (adj)
  12. sense of n/Ving (collocation)
  13. student – centred teaching
  14. two-way communication
  15. undermine (v)
  16. undoubtedly (adv)


Task 1: Fill in the blanks with Suitable words/phrases

  1. The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only ___________the problem.
  2. 2. ___________characters in movies can be an effective way of practicing speaking.
  3. A hurried decision can___________years of hard work.
  4. After a long day at work, I___________and yelled at my customers.
  5. Recent student violence statistics worry public about___________in schools.

Task 2: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases

(an) open discussion (s) (np)lose one’s temper (collocation)
better (v)pedagogical skills (np)
detrimentally (adv)proactive (adj)
discipline – indiscipline (n)sense of n/Ving (collocation)
educational quality (np)student – centred teaching
exacerbate (v)two-way communication
imitate (v)undermine (v)
initial instability (np)undoubtedly (adv)

Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In recent decades, whether high school students should be free to evaluate and criticise their educators has evolved into a major topic of concern. While some people think that disrespect and 1___________are an unavoidable outcome of this approach, I would contend it would result in increased 2___________.

On the one hand, there is a common belief that enabling students to judge teachers may 3___________students’ 4___________respect and 5___________. This is primarily because some high school students are generally immature and inexperienced. Therefore, some of them tend to 6___________and overreact each time they are disciplined by teachers. The problem can be further 7___________when all the students see their peers criticising the teachers. They may think of such action as the right way to behave and start to 8___________it. As a result, respect for the teacher may be lost and the classroom learning environment may be 9___________affected.

On the other hand, I side with those who believe that giving students the total freedom in expressing their thoughts and feelings towards teachers may enhance educational quality. To explain, many countries are promoting 10___________with 11___________, where 12___________between teachers and students on any topic, including teaching methodology and the effectiveness of the teaching programmes, are encouraged. This approach has a clear advantage of making students become 13___________in studying. It also provides teach¬ers with a chance to 14___________their 15___________by receiving feedback from students. In this way, both the learners and the educators can achieve higher academically.

In conclusion, the educational method of encouraging high school students to judge their teachers will 16___________lead to enhanced academic achievements, despite the possibility that some classes may experience some 17___________in the form of disrespect or lack of discipline.

299 words


Task 1: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases

  1. exacerbated
  2. Imitating
  3. undermine
  4. lost my temper
  5. Indiscipline

Task 2 :

  • (1) indiscipline
  • (2) educational quality.
  • (3) undermine
  • (4) sense of
  • (5) discipline.
  • (6) lose their
  • (7) exacerbated
  • (8) imitate
  • (9) detrimentally
  • (10) student-centred teaching
  • 11 two-way communication
  • (12) open discussions
  • (13) proactive
  • (14) better
  • (15) pedagogical skills
  • (16) undoubtedly
  • (17) initial instability

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