
HomeIELTS WritingWriting VocabularyLesson 14: Space – Writing Band 8

Lesson 14: Space – Writing Band 8

Lesson 14: Space

  1. asteroid – one of many large rocks that circle the sun
  2. cosmos – the whole universe, especially when you think of it as a system
  3. crater – a large hole in the top of a volcano
  4. debris – broken or torn pieces of something larger
  5. exploration – the activity of searching and finding out about something
  6. galaxy – large isolated system of stars, such as the Milky Way
  7. horizon – the place in the distance where the earth and sky seem to meet
  8. launch – an occasion when a ship is put into water, or a spacecraft is sent into space, for the first time
  9. meteor – a piece of rock or other matter from space that produces a bright light as it travels through the atmosphere
  10. outer space – the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere (= the air surrounding the earth).
  11. simulator – a piece of equipment that is designed to represent real conditions, for example in an aircraft or spacecraft
  12. solar system – the sun and the group of planets that move around it
  13. spacecraft – a vehicle used for travel in space
  14. space shuttle – a vehicle that takes people into space and comes back to Earth again
  15. cosmic – pertaining to the universe; vast
  16. gravitational – involving gravity
  17. lunar – of or relating to the moon
  18. meteoric – relating to or caused by a meteor
  19. outer – at a greater distance from the centre
  20. terrestrial – relating to the earth
  21. uninhabitable – not habitable (= suitable to live in)
  22. unmanned – does not have a person inside it
  23. acclimatize – to (cause to) change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc.
  24. colonize – to send people to live in and govern another country
  25. propel – to cause something to move forward
  26. sustain – to keep something in operation; maintain
  27. undergo – experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant or arduous)
  28. acrophobia – fear of heights
  29. feasible – able to be made, done, or achieved
  30. in terms of – used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing
  31. thunderstorm – a storm with thunder and lightening
  32. barely – only just
  33. scramble – to climb up, down, or over something quickly and with difficulty
  34. fellow – a member of an official organization for a particular subject or job
  35. eventuality – a possible happening or result
  36. contemplate – to spend time considering a possible future action
  37. cathedral – a very large, usually stone, building for Christian worship
  38. foresee – to know about something before it happens
  39. shield – something or someone used as protection or providing protection
  40. realm – an area of interest or activity
  41. faith – complete trust or confidence.
  42. frontier – an area that is being explored

Some questions asked in previous IELTS Writing Paper that you would be able to write with the help of the vocabulary in this lesson:

  1. Modern trends in early education focus on an array of practical school projects rather than developing traditional skills through maths, science and similar subjects. Which do you consider the better approach and why? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.


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