Task 01: Line graph
The monthly price of exported rice from Thailand and Vietnam from 2012 to 2015 (Million dollars per tons)

Sample Answer :
The line graphs compare the price of rice exported from Thailand and Vietnam over the course of four years beginning in 2012.
Overall, rice grown in Thailand was sold at higher prices than rice grown in Vietnam. In addition, prices tended to fluctuate significantly throughout the year.
In January 2012, the price of exported rice from Thailand was just over $500 million per ton. By May, the price had dropped to approximately $450 million per ton, before recovering and reaching $550 million per ton by the end of the year. The price then continually declined throughout 2013 to finish at around $400 million per ton in December. 2014 and 2015 saw very similar trends in the prices, with both years ending at around $450 million per ton.
At the beginning of 2012, the price of export rice per ton in Vietnam was $400 million, which fluctuated throughout the year but ended at the same price.Throughout 2013 and 2014 the price gradually declined, ending the period at around $325 million per ton. In 2015, the price rose significantly but dropped back down to around $325 million again.
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