Hello! My name is David S. Wills and I’m an IELTS tutor from the United Kingdom. In this book, I aim to give an overview of important English language grammar to help you get through the IELTS writing exam. This is by no means an exhaustive text – for that you’d need a book with more than a thousand pages! However, I think it is a good basic guide to the most important grammar points needed for IELTS.
Grammar for IELTS Writing is intended as a handbook. That means it is for reference purposes. It is not a textbook, so there are no exercises to do. It contains essential information about the most important parts of English concerning IELTS candidates, and is structured from basic to advanced. If you read the whole of this book and apply its lessons to your writing, you will be on course for a high band score in the IELTS writing exam.
I really hope that you enjoy this book, as I have spent more than a year writ- ing it. If you liked it, you can leave a review online, as it will greatly help me. Please feel free to contact me at david@ted-ielts.com and check www.ted-ielts.com for more free IELTS lessons. (Teachers, please go to www.ielts-teaching.com.)