
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2-AudioDescribe an experience that you got bored while being with others.

Describe an experience that you got bored while being with others.

Describe an experience that you got bored while being with others.

You should say:

  • When it was
  • Who you were with
  • What you did

And explain why you were bored


There was a trip in the past when I actually got completely bored.

That was a vacation one year ago, after my stressful probationary period at my current company. At that time, I really needed to break the wheel of monotony in my everyday life and rejuvenate myself. So my buddies and I decided to take a trip to Dalat city to relax. We made a lot of plans, most of which, unfortunately didn’t go as expected.

As soon as I arrived in Dalat city, it started pouring outside. The weather was freezing, while dark clouds covered up the morning sky. Lightning flashed and thunder roared continually near the horizon, discouraging every holidaymaker from doing anything outdoors. So, we resorted to staying indoors and sitting by the window, watching the raindrops falling outside.

It was a terrible moment for me. All of my companions were falling asleep after the 5 hours’ journey on the car. I was the only one awake in the room then, waiting for the rain to stop and having nobody at all to talk with. I felt terribly bored because I expected to visit many well-known destinations and try local cuisines, but the rain didn’t let up until 1PM that day.

I lost half of the day due to the storm, so in the future, I will avoid the rainy season when travelling, or at least, have a look at the weather forecast before embarking on a trip somewhere.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Why do people often get bored?

People have a tendency to feel bored when they have to do monotonous tasks over and over. For example, boredom strikes when an office worker has to spend many years doing paperwork in a nine-to-five job with a high level of repetition. Nothing is interesting if everything just repeats day after day without any innovations.

Why are people less interested in reading books nowadays?

This is may be because of the fast pace of modern life that many people lead nowadays. They are so swarmed with their job and family that they can hardly arrange any time for their own hobbies. Despite knowing that reading can do wonders for their mental health, people would prefer sleeping, hanging out with friends or surfing Facebook.

What can employers do to help employees feel more motivated at work?

They could offer employees financial incentives when they achieve something to boost their motivation, like hitting the sales target or successfully dealing with customers’ complaints. This is also a great way to provide recognition for their performance. When these workers think that their efforts have been acknowledged, they may be willing to spend more time at work and make more progress in their job.


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