
HomeIELTS SpeakingVocabularyTop Vocabulary: Protecting Endangered Species for IELTS Speaking

Top Vocabulary: Protecting Endangered Species for IELTS Speaking

Following vocabulary will help you answer Speaking questions smoothly, get IELTS Speaking high score.

  1. Extinction (n) / Extinct (adj)
    Example: The extinction of the dinosaurs occurred millions of years ago.
    Relevant collocations:
    • in danger of/ threatened with extinction
    • on the verge of extinction 
  2. Poach (v) :
    Example: The Government should do what they can to prevent wild animals from being poached uncontrollably. 
  3. Captivity (n) 
    Example: The animal finally were released from captivity after three months.
    Relevant collocations:
    • forcing something into captivity
    • hold/keep sb in captivity. 
    • bring/take sb into captivity
    • free/release sb from captivity
    • escape from captivity 
  4. conservation (n) / conserve (v) 
    Example: Young people can volunteer to inform visitors of the importance of wildlife in conservation areas. 
    Relevant collocations:
    • energy, environmental, forest, nature, soil, water, wildlife | architectural, building | art, painting + conservation
    • conservation + group, organization | efforts, measure, policy, programme, project, scheme, work | area
  5. exotic (adj)
    Example: Exotic pets like snakes and tropical birds are becoming more and more popular.
  6. boycott (v)
    Example: People are encouraged to boycott products that are made from animals’ skin. 
  7. regulation (n) / regulate (v)
    Example: The new regulation about wildlife conservation will be implemented at the end of the year.
    Relevant collocations:
    • regulation + come into force
    • in accordance with (the) regulations
  8. deterrent (n) / deter (v)
    Example: Severe punishments, such as life imprisonment, can serve as a strong deterrent against the illegal hunting of wild animals.
    Relevant collocations:
    • act/serve as a deterrent against something to someone
  9. habitat (n) 
    Example: Human industrial activities are destroying wild animal’s natural habitats.
    Relevant collocations:
    • loss of habitat
    • Habitat destruction
    • conserve/protect habitats.
  10. allocate (v) 
    Example: The government is allocating £10 million for wildlife conservation.
    Relevant collocations:
    • allocate resources/budget
  11. sanctuary (n)
    Example: Many animals are protected in wildlife sanctuaries
  12.  survive (v) 
    Example: These animals cannot survive if their habitats are destroyed.
  13. shelter (n,v) 
    Example: There was no shelter for these animals after the forest had been cut down.
    Relevant collocations
    • find/take shelter
  14. reproduce (v) 
    Example: Some creatures were better at surviving and reproducing than others. 
  15. Awareness (n) 
    Example: Environmental awareness has increased dramatically over the past decade.
    Relevant collocations
    • a lack of awareness
    • develop, foster, heighten, increase, raise awareness
    • public awareness
  16. Ecosystem (n)
    Example: Pollution can have harmful effects on the balance of the regional ecosystem
  17. Biodiversity (n) 
    Example: Habitat destruction caused by local agricultural activities can threaten the area’s biodiversity
    Relevant collocations
    • Biodiversity loss 


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