
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2IELTS Writing Task 2: Sample #70

IELTS Writing Task 2: Sample #70

Modern technology is changing our world. This has advantages such as bringing  people closer together through communication. It also has disadvantages such as  destroying the differences between cultures.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 

Modern technology with its advantages and disadvantages has changed today’s world enormously. Communication allows people all over the world to stay in contact with each other. For instance, I can easily exchange e-mails with a good friend of mine who recently had to move back to her mother country, Malaysia. Furthermore, if I have to make a really important decision or something is bothering me, I simply have to press the buttons on my mobile phone in order to ask my parents or a good friend for advice. 

Additionally, technology remarkably contributes towards making everyday procedures more convenient as well as helping to transmit messages rapidly. For example, an appointment that cannot be met due to an unexpected incident can quickly be cancelled by writing a text message or, in terms of business, employees can send an e-mail cancelling or postponing ameeting which will be received within seconds by their business partners. 

While improvements in technology are, to a large extent, helpful, they do have a disadvantageous side to them. The most significant disadvantage is the westernisation of traditional cultures, which we can see in the growing number of fast food outlets for example. We can also see this in the way that foreign words are being incorporated into local languages. 

On the whole, I agree to a great extent that technology is bringing people closer together and this can only be a good thing, but the disadvantage is that people may take ideas from other cultures and forget their own traditions. 

(254 words) 


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