
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 3Two-way discussion: Natural Resources & Water

Two-way discussion: Natural Resources & Water

  • What is the major use of water in your country?
    Ummm, water is primarily used for drinking in my country. Besides, it is also used for numerous purposes including bathing, washing clothes, irrigation, cleaning and also serves many other functions. In fact, the answer to this question cannot be given in one or two statements, you know. Water is synonymous with life. If there were no water on earth, there would have been no life. So, the use of water cannot be bracketed into some specific use. Accordingly, the use of water in my country, India, is not limited to drinking only. It is also used for diversified aspects, not into my country alone, rather globally. Different light to heavy industries need water to clean their raw materials, vehicles need water to cool their carburetors and cleaning, electricity production, and domestic uses etc.


  • Is it important to conserve water?
    Well, to me, it is important to conserve water. Water is limited and collected mostly from the ground. Sometimes the groundwater dries up due to the excessive use and creates water shortage. As a result, the sometimes massive water shortage creates famine in some areas. If they have any preserving system, they would not suffer from the deficiency of water. Besides, someday it may happen that the water scarcity will be so acute that people will lock into fights to get their respective share of water. With the increased population, the pressure on groundwater has increased to a great extent and my thought may come true (though I don’t want it to be true). But people may say that they will depend on nature or rain then I will say that they have forgotten about the climatic changes around the world. Rainfall is not abundant in the current days. Thus it becomes too risky to rely on nature for water and therefore, I think it is important to conserve water for future use.


  • Why should scientists focus on space exploration rather than exploring water?
    Good question for me to test my intelligence level. The scientist should focus on space exploration for several reasons instead of wasting their priceless moments after water exploration. Someday it may happen that the water bodies and all the other available sources may get dried and there will be not a single drop of water. But if they explore the space, they might discover any planet or galaxy where a habitable environment may exist similar to our solar system. If they start exploring the space, I believe they could be able to invent some sort of transportation system to reach the external livable planets. But if they explore water on earth, it would be mere wastage of their time and labour.


  • What is the importance of sunlight?
    Sunlight is one of the most important things for us. It makes the day – literally. The importance of sunlight cannot be described in words. The most important factor is that the sun gives us light. The sun rays bring heat to the planet which keeps everything warm. Besides, due to sunlight, we are having a daytime and nighttime. Moreover, sunlight is also helpful for human health and provides vitamins to the human body. During the winter seasons, people and animals bask in the sun to get heated. The sunlight also helps the plant to grow using its rays by photosynthesis process which is also an essential element of the environment.


  • What will happen if there will be no sunlight?
    Without the sunrise in the morning, we cannot see say that this is a day. It will remain dark. The sun helps us to start our daily activities and more other necessary things from the dawn. A question may emerge here – if there were no sunlight? I think it would be night everywhere. Nothing could be visible clearly as we see in day times. Besides, sunlight provides necessary heats and energies on the planet which make the Earth habitable. If there is no sunlight, the earth will turn uninhabitable. The surrounding environment will turn colder and we may enter the ice age again. Living in will turn too difficult on the earth. In few days all the trees will die and we won’t have any oxygen remaining for breathing. In few months the reserve of foods would end and that would end the human civilisation on the planet Earth.


  • How long for are you exposed to sunlight daily? 
    Ummm, I actually do not get a close contact with the sunlight. During my morning walk, I see the sun is rising from the east side and some mild rays fall on the earth from where I get a minor share. Usually, I return home after the dusk. I have to remain engaged in different activities in the daytime inside the office building. Thereby, I do not get exposed to sunlight daily. But when I’m on my morning walk, I get exposed for around 10 to 15 minutes. I think that is enough for me. The mild rays contain Vitamin D which is helpful for human health but a blazing sun should be avoided for ultraviolet rays which may even lead to cancers as well.


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